2009-07-16 15:37:40 落葉之楓

【在生活中學習語言】《中英對照讀新聞》Opera ’is music for the heart’ 歌劇是心臟的音樂

【在生活中學習語言】《中英對照讀新聞》Opera ’is music for the heart’ 歌劇是心臟的音樂


Listening to the right kind of music can slow the heart and lower blood pressure, a study has revealed. Rousing operatic music, like Puccini’s Nessun Dorma, full of crescendos and diminuendos is best and could help stroke rehabilitation, say the authors.


Music is already used holistically at the bedside in many hospitals.Not only is it cheap and easy to administer, music has discernible physical effects on the body as well as mood, Circulation journal reports.


Music with a faster tempo increases breathing, heart rate and blood pressure, while slower-pace music does the reverse.


Dr Luciano Bernardi and colleagues, from Italy’s Pavia University, asked 24 healthy volunteers to listen to five random tracks of classical music and monitored how their bodies responded. They included selections from Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony, an aria from Puccini’s Turandot, Bach’s cantata No 169.


Every musical crescendo "aroused" the body and led to narrowing of blood vessels under the skin, increased blood pressure and heart rate and increased respiratory rates. Conversely, the diminuendos caused relaxation, which slowed heart rate and lowered blood pressure.



rousing:形容詞,鼓動人心的。例句:She delivered a rousing speech full of anger and passion.(她滿懷憤怒與激情地,發表了一席激動人心的演說。)

holistic:形容詞,全面的。例句:Ecological problems usually require holistic solutions.(生態問題通常需要全面性的解決方法。)

discernible:形容詞,顯而易見的。例句: The influence of Rodin is discernible in the younger artist.(這位年輕藝術家明顯地受到羅丹影響。)


