【在生活中學習語言】《中英對照讀新聞》Family use urine to find lost dog 家人用尿尋找走
《中英對照讀新聞》Family use urine to find lost dog 家人用尿尋找走失的狗
◎陳成良 A distraught couple are trying to help their lost dog find his way home by laying a trail of their own pee. 一對心急如焚的夫婦正試圖利用自己的尿留下蹤跡,來協助走失的愛犬找到回家的路。 Jonathan Baltesz, 44, and wife Louise, 43, are filling bottles to sprinkle on lampposts and trees around their home on the advice of doggy detective Jane Hayes, who runs website doglost.co.uk. 44歲的強納森.巴爾泰斯及43歲妻子路意絲,聽從設立doglost.co.uk網站的愛狗偵探珍.海絲之建議,(將尿)裝瓶噴灑在住家附近的路燈及樹木。 She explained: "A dog’s sense of smell is 3,000 times more powerful than ours. Where we recognise each other by sight they do it by smell." 她解釋說:「狗的嗅覺比我們的嗅覺強3000倍,我們藉由視力分辨彼此,而牠們是用嗅覺來分辨。」 The couple have roped in children Henry, 15, Clara, 13, and pals to help sprinkle the wee near their home in Redland, Bristol. 這對夫婦已說服自己的孩子──15歲的亨利與13歲的克拉拉,以及友人,幫忙他們在布里斯托的雷德蘭市住所附近噴灑尿液。 Teacher Louise, who got black Labrador Simon as a pup from the local dogs’ home, said yesterday: "It seems a bit embarrassing but it’s worked for other people." 路意絲老師從當地狗兒收容所收養當時還是幼犬的黑色拉布拉多「賽門」,她昨天說:「這似乎有點難為情,但其他人成功過。」 Police say although urinating in public is a crime, a major part of that is exposing yourself. A spokesman added: "We won’t look into it unless we get complaints." 警方表示,雖然在公共場所尿尿觸法,但此罪責主要在於暴露你自己。一名發言人補充說:「除非接獲投訴,否則我們不會進行調查。」 新聞辭典 distraught:形容詞,極煩惱的;幾乎要發狂的。例句: She was distraught with worry. (她擔心得幾乎要發瘋了。) rope in:俚語,說服、引誘。例句:He’s been roped in to help sell the tickets. (他已被說服出力幫助賣票。) look into :片語,深入了解、調查。例句:The agent will look into the crux.(幹員會再看看癥結所在。) |
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