2006-12-02 14:08:24口譯實習團


the cooperation, stand from the present and look forward to

the future 相互尊重,求同存异,平等互利,优勢互補,借鑒經驗,拓展合作,立足當前,著眼未來

the grand occasion 盛世

the handicapped 殘疾人

The threshold of our transition into the new millenmum 跨越新千年的門檻

the tr4ansition of mechanism is slow 轉軌建制過程緩慢

the unified design between the city and the countryside 城鄉一体化

tight in schedule 日程緊湊

toxic emission 廢气排放

UNCHS (United Nations Centre for Human Settlements) 聯合國人居中心

units concerned 有關單位

unprecedentedly inflated 空前膨脹

Updated research research result 最新的調查結果

Urban residents 城市居民

urban water conservation 城市節水

vigorous economic region 活躍的經濟帶

vitalize the province by science and technology and

water conservation 節約用水

water saving fixtures 節水裝置

Well-deserved reputation 良好的信譽

Well-serviced formal city 服務齊全的高尚城市

wish a complete success 預祝…圓滿成功

wish a pleasant stay 祝愿在停留愉快

without access to 享受不到