2011-10-20 20:06:36奔跑賽程~~

We praise Thee, O God, 神,我赞美你,

1.We praise Thee, O God,       1.神,我赞美你,
For the Son of Thy love,         差遣你的爱子
For our Savior who died and     钉死,复活,又升天,
Is now gone above.             作我大祭司。
◦Hallelujah! Thine the glory,!   ◦阿利路亚,荣耀归你
Hallelujah! Amen;              阿利路亚,阿们
Hallelujah! Thine the glory,       阿利路亚,荣耀归你,
We praise Thee again.            感谢你大恩
2.We praise Thee, O God,        2.神,我赞美你,
For Thy Spirit of light,           赐下亮光之灵,
Who has shown us our Savior,     启示我的救赎主,
And scattered our night.          开明我眼睛。
3.All glory and praise3           .荣耀和赞美,
To Thee, Father of love,           归给慈爱父神;
For through Jesus' redemption       借你爱子的救赎,
Thy heart we may prove.            得蒙你救恩。
4.We praise Thee again;             4.赞美再赞美
We are filled with Thy love,          感激你的大爱,
And each heart is rekindled          心被你爱再焚烧,
With fire from above.               向你献敬拜。