2011-12-01 16:20:30Linda

西洋芹菜,紅蘿蔔,馬鈴薯濃湯 Cream of celery, carrot and potato soup

西洋芹菜,紅蘿蔔,馬鈴薯濃湯         Cream of celery, carrot and potato soup

                        6-8人份                                        Yield: 6-8  servings          

2 中型洋蔥 切丁()          2 med onions- small diced

4 中型馬鈴薯 切丁()               4 med potatoes-large diced

3 西洋芹菜莖 切丁()               3 celery stalks-med. diced

4 紅蘿蔔 切丁()                        4 carrots- med. diced

2McCormick雞精塊                   2 cubes McCormick’s chicken stock

1.5-2公升                              1.5-2. ltrs water

¼ 奶油                                   ¼ c. Butter

½ 牛奶                                   ½ c. Milk      

½ 鮮奶油                                      ½ c. Cream

白胡椒 & 調味                           White pepper and salt to taste


用厚棉布覆蓋,留發起空間. 液體極熱,小心處理!攪拌1-2分鐘,直到這些碎料漿濃稠




:       Method: (how to make it)

1.    Sweat onion and celery and in water and chicken stock

把洋蔥&西洋芹菜 放入 水+雞精 溶液

2.     Boil potato and carrot until fork tender (fork tender means that you can mash it with a fork)

煮熟 馬鈴薯&紅蘿蔔 到叉子可壓軟的程度

3.    Add onion to potato and carrot pot  


4.    Add pot contents into glass blender filling only 2/3 full, remove center of lid and cover with thick cotton cloth to allow for expansion, handle carefully extremely hot liquids!


用厚棉布覆蓋,留發起空間. 液體極熱,小心處理!

5.    Blend for 1-2 minutes until puree consistency


6    Pour puree back into clean pot, blend all vegetables


7.    Add butter, cream and milk to pot   


8.    Add white pepper and salt to taste   




下一篇:Lasagne recipe 千層麵