2009-10-30 12:20:40Linda
自製辣椒醬 吃水餃 拌乾麵 炒麵每餐必備
乾朝天椒 (已絞碎的) 4 T chili flakes
花椒粒 1 tsp
鹽 黑胡椒 各1 tsp salt and pepper
蝦米 1 Tbsp dried shrimp
紅蔥酥 1 Tbsp fried shallots
葵花油 6 Tbsp sunflower oil
芝麻油 1 Tbsp sesame oil
1 乾鍋炒香花椒粒再和蝦米 紅蔥酥一起絞碎再和辣椒粉 鹽 胡椒一起放入玻璃瓶裡
In a pan over low heat, heat花椒粒 until aromas are released. In a food processor, combine花椒粒 with dried shrimp and shallots. Place in a jar with chili flakes, salt and pepper.
2 燒熱6T油沖入瓶中 用筷子稍攪拌再加入芝麻油 待涼才鎖上瓶蓋
Heat the sunflower oil, pour it into the jar, and stir. Lastly, add the unheated sesame oil. Do not screw on the lid until the mixture has cooled.
上一篇:燻雞 自己動手做在國外也可以吃到
2011-02-02 09:27:22