2009-09-16 14:10:08Linda

牛肉春捲 Beef Spring Role Party 的前菜 大人小孩都愛

牛肉春捲  Beef Spring Role



材料       Ingredients

洋蔥  Large onion          1

絞牛肉   Ground beef          500g

黑胡椒   Black pepper          2 t

           Salt                        2 t


麵粉+ Flour and Water       1 T

做法 Procedure

洋蔥切碎拌入2小匙鹽醃5分鐘 擠干備用

     Dice the onions and add 2 tsp of salt and let sit for 5 minutes and     remove excess water.

2   免沾鍋入少油炒牛肉至熟加鹽 黑胡椒待涼


    Sauté ground beef until fully cooked and then add salt and pepper. Once cooled, add the onions and    stir.

攤開一張春捲皮放入牛肉餡 捲起尾端用麵粉糊黏住

    入油鍋炸至金黃色撈起滴油 即可裝盤


 Open the spring role wrapper and place the beef mixture in the center. Wrap and wet the edges with the   flour and water mixture to ensure that it stays wrap during the deep frying process. Then, deep fry until golden brown.


    P.S 沾越南甜雞醬更棒