2009-09-01 14:27:53Linda

低卡千層麵 LASAGNE 6人份

低卡千層麵 LASAGNE 6人份



千層麵一盒        Whole wheat lasagna       375 g

蕃茄罐頭一罐      Tomatoes (no salt added )   796 ml

蕃茄膏  一罐     Tomato paste             156 ml

雞蛋              Egg                       2

菠菜 2         Spinach                2 bunch

藦菇切碎          Mushrooms             10 piece

洋蔥切碎 ( )    Oion                   1

義大利香腸 (切小塊 ) Italian sausage           x2

Light Ricotta (50% less fat)                   475 g

Mozzarella (50% less fat)                   300g

Spaghetti seasoning                          2 T

Parmasan                                  1/3 cup       


1 菠菜燙熟過冷水切碎擰乾 ( 也可用超市的冷凍菠菜直接微波解凍 )

  加入Ricotta  雞蛋Parmasan 胡椒各一小匙 拌勻

1.     Boil spinach and let cool. Whencooled down, wring out the water and cut into pieces and add into a large bowlalong with the ricotta, eggs, parmesan, salt and pepper.


2熱免沾鍋加2T橄欖油炒香洋蔥 再入藦菇義大利香腸續炒 然後加入蕃茄罐及茄膏用鏟子將蕃茄稍鏟碎 加入胡椒 1.5小匙Spaghettiseasoning

Fry chopped sausage in pan for 2 minutes, add in 2 tbspof oil and sauté the oinions and mushrooms. Once onions are translucent, add inthe tomato sauce and seasonings.


3取一深烤盤 先一層茄醬湯(不要料)再一層麵再一層菠菜 一層麵一層蕃茄肉醬 如此重複一次最後舖上Mozzarella 蓋上鋁薄紙 入烤箱375F35

  拿掉鋁薄紙 再烤10分鐘即可

 Fill the bottom of a deep baking pan with tomato sauce and layer lasagna noodles.Then alternate with the ricotta mixture and tomato sauce with noodles in between.The last layer should be tomato sauce, and then add a layer of shredded mozzarella cheese on top. Cover the lasagna tightly with foil, and bake for 35minutes at 375. After 35 minutes, remove the foil and bake for another 10minutes.


 舖好起士                 烤好的千層面