鹽酥雞 Taiwanese Chicken nuggets
鹽酥雞 Taiwanese Chicken nuggets
材料 Ingredients
A 雞塊 Chicken chunks 2磅
B 九層塔一把 Basil
C 地瓜粉 Sweet Potato Flower 250g
酥炸粉 Frying Mix 250g
醃料 Marinade
糖 Sugar 2 T 醬油 Soy sauce 2 T
蒜 粉 Garlic Powder 50g 蒜蓉 Minced Garlic 1 T
五香粉 5 Spice Powder 25g 蛋黃 Egg yolk 2個
米酒 Rice wine 2 T 太白粉Cornstarch 2 T
D 鹽 胡椒粉 五香粉各少許混合 Salt,5 Spice Power and Pepper to taste
做法 Method
1 雞加入醃料拌勻置至少2小時 隔夜會更入味 Marinade Chicken for at least 2 hours or over night
2 將材料C 置大盆內 將雞塊均勻沾上粉
Add group C to the already marinated chicken, cover all the surface.
3 油鍋大火將雞炸至酥脆撈起 Deep fry the chicken pieces until golden brown and drain the fat.
4再滾油再回鍋搶酥 入九層塔起鍋 Heat the oil again, and add in the chicken once more as well as the basil
5灑上D 即可 Remove from the oil and add in the salt, 5 spice power and pepper