2014-11-28 22:15:00喬治鎊

2014視與聽年度20大影片 Sight & Sound Top 20 of 2014

1 年少時代 Boyhood
2 告別語言 Goodbye to Language 3D
=3 纏繞之蛇 Leviathan
=3 里斯本記憶迷宮 Horse Money
5 肌膚之侵 Under The Skin
6 歡迎來到布達佩斯大飯店 The Grand Budapest Hotel
7 冬日甦醒 Winter Sleep 
8 過於寂靜的喧囂 The Tribe
=9 依達的抉擇 Ida
=9 遠離塵囂的沙漠(暫譯)Juaja
=11 畫世紀:透納先生 Mr. Turner
=11 歡迎光臨國家畫廊 National Gallery 
=11 華爾街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street 
=11 進擊的鼓手 Whiplash
15 勃根第公爵 The Duke of Burgundy
=16 鳥人 Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)
=16 兩天一夜 Two Days, One Night 
=18 竊資風暴(暫譯)Citizenfour
=18 沉默一瞥(暫譯)The Look of Silence 
=18 風起 The Wind Rises