2014-10-01 15:00:11Louishakespeare
You will when you believe
Last nite I had long talks w 2 colleagues as well as good friends.
We shared spiritual encouragements.
I told a story to them and hope we have faiths like children.
One day, the villagers gathered to pray for rain but only one little girl brought her umbrella. Her parents asked her why took it, n she said, it was going to rain.
I always keep this story in mind of how enormously strong belief of a child.
My friend Huahau is also the follower of law of attraction. She told me the most difficult part of it is doubt. Adults r used to be skeptical to the world which are mainly distinguished characteristic from children. (that's why we needa practice meditation to clarify ourselves).
Moreover, when we see things never happened, we still believe its' power. N I suddenly realize what Buddha said
In the world of attraction, there is no concept of time but gratitude.