2009-01-04 06:41:21BL Gardener

keep up with the Joneses向鄰人看齊

 英文有句俚語 keep up with the Joneses,意為向鄰人看齊,永不輸人家


Mabel was the kind of wife who had to keep up with the Joneses. 

“Dear,” complained Herbert. “Aren’t you getting a little greedy in trying to keep up with the neighbors?”  

“I don’t know what you mean,” Mabel answered.  

“First the smith family bought a new refrigerator, so we had to buy one.”  

“Well, our refrigerator was already five years old.”  

“Then the Crisp family bought a color TV console and you insisted we needed one.”  

“Our nineteen-inch color set was too small.”  

“Later the Brag family bought a new car and we had to buy a new car. Why do we have to keep up with the Joneses?”  

“We’re just as good as our neighbors,” Mabel retaliated.  

“Well I have news for you.”  


“The Culp family just had quintuplets.”  

 keep up with 跟得上 

  • keep up with the Joneses不輸人,JonesesJones一家人,意為鄰居  
  • greedy 貪婪   refrigerator, 冰箱
  •  console(n) 本意為支柱;擱架。Television console電視機

  •  retaliated 反唇相譏,回嘴  quintuplets 五胞胎   

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