2005-01-31 07:59:20傻Q

飛刀 ?!

Finish the last assign in 3 days...... got a week left to prepare the exam. The deakin peer workers asso sent me an e-mail that i need to work in some days, but i got a friday which i can't attend, i dunno I can go and help or not. Time is tight.

28/01/05, did many thing wrong in workplace, Alan talk so much to me, that i can't memorize all. I did a serious bish (may be it is a joke). That's i give the dessert list to the customer who still haven't have the main dishes ! so embrass ya. The customers just laugh @ me, heeee...... I won't let it happen again ~ ! May be i'm too tired after doing the group assign individually. Most of the taks is to do take away. Hope Alan remember he won't let me pick up the phone until the 3rd week. Can't sleep well after work, may be too stress there. Tml (Sat) will be more busy than Fri. Practics make Perfect, hope it happens on me la.

29/01/05, 6 waiters serving over 80 ppl today. Too bad there is b-day party in the restaurant. Those guys order so many stuff that only one glass left on the bar desk. Sure, i'm still doing sth wrong. 文少 still inch me + 同耍我. 我走入kitchen 拎dishes, 問碟o野邊個o既, 食唔食得. 佢話食得囉, 重叫我快d食. Lawance 入到o黎話碟o野係老細o家 !!! 衰人響度話人著apron 樣衰, 衰人o黎o家, 人o地多o野做, 條apron 向下sin, 我都無時間整 ><. 今日有個叫danny o既跟輝哥學o野, 好不幸被我o地o既廚房大佬話佢似再世陳百強....... (完全唔似).

今日要早返, 因為manager 話要開會 + 訓示. 不過一入公司就見到隻招財貓爛o左, 事因係 .... Alan o個日送take-away, 點知唔知點就同跟尾個o靚仔架車頭尾咁撞, 兩架車都唔係咁傷, Alan 叫o個個男仔聽日去公司搵佢, 因為o個個moment 要開工 ~ so today afternoon 個男仔o黎叫佢賠 $300 (整車完全唔洗呢個價), Alan 講緊IDD 就叫個男仔等, o個個o靚仔話佢趕時間, Alan ignor o左個男仔. suddenly heard a big bang ! that guy 一手反o左門口o個張放招財貓 + 老細d 相o個張檯 (張o野平日要兩個壯丁先搬得到), 貓貓爛o左hand hand. Alan 拎d工具衝o左出門口, 一o野打落o個個人個車尾. 個男仔極速上o左自己架車想走. 文少響廚房拎住兩條磨刀鐵衝出去, 一手向o個個男仔開緊o個架車飛埋去 (公司出面係public area, 有租video + TAB o個d, 好多車泊響度). 一支飛唔中, 飛第二支. 第二重恐怖, 支鐵唔中車跌落地彈起, 彈到差整爆油站天花d 燈, Alan 都呆o左. 支鐵之後響半空跌正響一架車車頭前面, 個車主(gal) 嚇到喊同狂震....... 個女仔老竇過後走o黎公司話個女以為文少響油站飛刀 (個女仔之前響另一條路俾人強開車門, 打o左一拳搶錢, so 改路行呢邊, 點知呢邊有人飛刀 !). 至於o個個反檯男, Alan call o左佢父母.

my mates, treat me gd ga la, at least Alan told them 0not to scold me like how they treat David. At least, lawance willing to teach me, jessie haven't call me fucking bitch ..... haha ^ ^ . Over 100 ppl will be served in Luner New yr period. OMG ~ ! How come i still can't here the kitchen bell ring le ?! i dun wanna to make Alan & jessie disappointed ........ . i Must work hard.

30/01/05, 難得同阿哥兩個人落boxhill 食tea, 又win o左電腦馬 (本來想買3T, 不過唔太識點買). 出到o黎, 又撞到Alan !? 佢family day 同老婆, 兩個好可愛o既囡囡食lunch, 兩個妹妹好得意呀~ Alan 好好奇我o地點o黎Boxhill, 我o地話搭巴士, 佢好suprise. 阿哥之後問我點解Alan 兩個囡唔似爸爸..... 佢話: "佢老婆同第二個生o家?" ............... (無言).

我finally 明chris o係邊個位....... 文少搓完william 個屎忽賴係我攪william ...... (o個一刻, 想喊).