We live our lives in many foolish ways without even considering how much time we waste for anything....
最近勤編中國結手錬, 覺得很開心, 因為好像有些些進步的感覺(或許是自我感覺良好), 但是在結束燒黏時卻是我...
這是一封朋友轉寄給我的信件, 覺得很棒, 所以轉載到我的部格, 希望有緣看到的朋友, 也能夠在心性湖中起些許...
明天起就是農曆七月了, 一般民間信仰稱這個月為鬼月, 因為整整一個月所有在陰間的好兄弟都會被釋放出來, 大...
日前寫了一篇苦瓜開花了的文章和大家分享我的喜悅, 每天看它好幾回, 期盼著它健康長大, 也幻想著果實累累豐...
A student acquires a quarter of his knowledge from his teacher, another quarterfrom his own intellig...
Water is fluid, soft and yielding. But water will wear away rock, which is rigid and cannot yield. ...
隨興種了幾粒苦瓜子, 不意竟冒出了芽, 為了方便照顧它, 我將這新發芽的苦瓜移到我房間的窗簷下, 天天看著它...