2011-07-27 23:21:51寬
knowledge comes from many sources
A student acquires a quarter of his knowledge from his teacher, another quarter
from his own intelligence, the third quarter from his co-students and the last quarter
in course of time from experience
人生是條無止盡的學習道路, 而每個人在自己的人生道路上都是學生, 旅途中所遇到的無論是男女老糼, 貧富貴賤, 乃至一花一草, 一沙一露, 都是我們的貴人, 都是在拙磨我們的心性, 增長我們的智慧, 讓我們能更成長, 人生能更豐富, 更有義涵, 則我們也就不虛走此一遭.
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