2006-09-25 23:57:10KL

MBA, My dream

MBA——Master Of Business Administration, one of my dream, I can’t believe I will try to get it soon.

Last weekend, I just sit my bed, eating, and watching TV. Suddenly, Mom called, she asked me do I want have a test for graduate exam. Oh, my God, of course, I do. I dreamed it for long time, but I always thinking I have no qualification for it. Now, if I have this chance, I absolutely do, and I absolutely would choice MBA, the Master of Business Administration.

Since entering this firm, I am not happy for my job. Nothing wrong with this firm, it’s just I feel hopeless for working for my current honcho. He mad my crazy and always spurn at me, even though I worked so hard, even all my colleague acclaimed my work. I think there is so different with our work method and attitude. I feel terrible when I saw him. But I just can’t quit for that, I still didn’t get what I want, experience, money…lots of things.

But now, I have a chance, that’s MBA. If I get it, I will get a better job I think. And my life will be change. The future will be brighter.

Yes, to get it. The only thing I should do is fighting for it. Do my best for it.