2007-08-07 17:07:19凱凱


Wednesday, August 01, 2007 9:34 AM

today is a brand new day.

As usual, i woke up late again......(not because i am lazy~just because i got nothing to do......)

when i woke up, Bambi and Tom were at work already, hopefully i can make it to school. Bambi is a mail carrier, Tom works as a material manager, they all got to work, except me.(let’s have a party in our house!) just kidding.

you prabably don’t believe it......now i can do my laundry everyday all by myself, i think i’m more indenpendent now, since i got here all alone.

but i’m not alone, with so many things for me to do, and lots of life experiences to expect, i’m not bored, but full of things to do. as all that i can tell, i may not perfect at everything, with a little explore, and taking efforts in everyday life.

i’m not lonely, but full of energy and joy. hopefully, everyone can be as happy as i am. therefore it is.

so, what you guys do’in today?

the weather today, is hot. for me, it;s just a piece of cake, i’m a taiwanese, the weather like that is nothing~ but for some of the american, the weather like that is like blazing hot weather walking in the desert.

despite the blazing hot weather, taking out my bike, went for an adventure.

i’m not a good biker actually, when i saw the cars go fast passed me, i still shaky. instead of going to the library, i just rode around the school corner, see what do they got in my new school. compared to my old school, Byron high school is huge, in america, no matter the town is small as a vellage, the school facility is good as the city students have, they got indoor gym, baseball field, soccer feild, foot ball field......you name it, so i took a couple of pictures of the school, hop you guys can see it clearly, cause i’m a technology idiot......

anyway, i miss you guys, i don’t forget to visit my blog. that’ll be a million thanks!

星期三, 八月 01, 2007 9:34 早上(美國時間)



當我起床,Bambi 和 Tom 已經去工作,我希望我能去學校.Bambi是個郵差,Tom是個材料經理,她們都去工作,除了我(有個舞會在我的房子!)剛剛開玩笑的.


今天天氣是炎熱的,對我是台灣人來說,天氣對我來說並沒有什麼,但是它在美國人來說,天氣像再沙漠一樣炎熱.儘管炎熱的天氣,我還是騎腳踏車出去探險.實際上,我騎腳踏車的技術不是很好,當看到駕駛很快的車子從我身邊經過,我仍然會顫抖.反而走路去圖書館,我剛剛騎車繞校園,看一看我的新學校.比較我的舊學校,Byron high school(拜倫高中)是非常大,在美國沒有比這村莊還要來的小,城市學生的學校設備好,她們有室內體育館,棒球場,足球場,橄欖球場......我看到一對夫婦的照片在學校,無疑的是希望你能去看它......