In the past, rabbits had a bad sense of hearing. They had short, tiny ears and were caught by hunter...
The incredible Napoleon Dynamite, directed by Jared Hess, hit the movie theaters in 2004. Although i...
Kazana Forest And Its ChipmunksEver since the Industrial Revolution, humans had been polluting and d...
This ismy version of the continuation of the movie "Up":Paradise FallsCarl woke up after the crazy r...
My Piano Teacher When I was in Canada, I had a piano teacher. His name was Robert. The first time I ...
I sat on a bench at the bus stop, waiting for the bus to come. I was staring at the moving cars and ...
I wish there really was a teleporting machine. If there really was a teleporting machine, then I cou...
Laura Makago was a 12-year-old girl who lived near the sea. She was the only child in the family. La...
My ClassWe all know that every class has its own unique traits. Some are extremely cooperative, some...
這是我的英文作品!Pizza Hut Scientists Test the Limit of what People EAT! Two weeks ago, there was a ...
這次的露營比七年級的好玩! 營火晚會最好玩!我們這組都是副班長在煮東西給我們吃. 煮了雞丁,蛋花湯, 炒蛋, ...
放暑假了ㄟ! YAY! 雖然只放不到一個月, 但總比沒放好.暑假的時候我會到加拿大但是不是去玩, 我要去考鋼琴.....
Hey, people! Here are some ~RIDDLES~ for you to solve! Here we go: 1. What can you catch, b...
12月27號 我去參加弟弟們的鋼琴發表會, 剛好是聖誕節的後兩天. 而我會參加我弟弟的鋼琴發表會是因為他們的鋼...