2010-06-23 11:43:41 Media.com翻譯工作室

如何閱讀英文合同Part 2



第一類以"here"開頭,後面再加上一個介係詞的傳統用字,在英文合約裏經常可以看到,大概包括"hereunder""hereto""hereby""hereof""herein"等等這幾個字。依照作者的看法,這是比較容易處理的一類,因為只要讀者記住一個簡單的原則:「"here"+介係詞 =介係詞+"this agreement"」,就幾乎可以解讀所有的第一類用語了。以下來詳細看看這個原則的運用情形。(注意:"hereinafter"在定義條款中用來表示「以下簡稱……」的意思,雖然也用"here"為首碼,但與這裏所說的傳統用語無關,詳見第貳編之伍「定義條款」。)

"hereunder" = "under this agreement"

"hereunder""under this agreement"代替後,就很清楚地可以瞭解是




obligations under this 本合約內的

hereunder agreement 義務

rights granted rights granted under this 依本合約所

hereunder agreement 賦予的權利

payment due payment due under 依本合約應

hereunder this agreement 付的價款

notice required notice required to be 依本合約所

to be given under this 應給予的通知

hereunder agreement

payment amount “due ”

“due ”是「債務到期」的意思,詳見第貳編之柒「交易條件」


"hereto" = "to this agreement"



both parties hereto both parties to this agreement 本合約之當事人雙方

items specified in Attachment & I hereto items specified in Attachment I to this agreement 本合約之附件I所列之各項

& Attachment


"hereby" = "by this agreement"


舉例: 解讀後等於: 中文翻譯:

The Company hereby covenants and warrants & that…… By this agreement the Company covenants and warrants that…… 公司在此保證……

Both parties hereby agree that…… By this agreement both parties agree that…… 雙方當事人在此同意……

The Seller hereby waives & the right of…… By this agreement the Seller waives the right of…… 賣方在此放棄……的權利

& covenants and warrants


& waive


"hereof" = "of this agreement" "herein" = "in this agreement"



to file a suit in the court agreed to& herein to file a suit in the court agreed to in this agreement 向當事人于本合約中合意管轄的法院提起訴訟

to follow the terms and conditions & herein to follow the terms and conditions in this agreement 遵守本合約所規定的條件

to take effect on the date hereof to take effect on the date of this agreement 於本合約之日期生效

the headings of the sections hereof the headings of the sections of this agreement 本合約各條款之標題

& the court agreed to


& terms and conditions


第二類:"thereof, thereto……""the same"

"there"為首碼再加上介係詞,例如"thereof""thereto"等用語,以及"the same"這一類的用語比較不容易處理,因為上面介紹的原則無法直接套用,而必須靠讀者自己依照合約的上下文來判斷。我們來看看下面兩個例子:

例一:No change in or modification of this Agreement shall be valid unless the same is made in writing. (本約之修改需以書面為之,始生效力。)

例二:This Agreement is written in the English language. In case of any discrepancy between the English version and any translation thereof, the English text shall govern.(本約以英文訂定,與其他語言之翻譯版本解釋上生差異者,以英文為主。)

讀者從上下文應該可以推敲出來,例一裏的"the same"指的是「合約的修改」,也就是前面的"change in or modification of this Agreement"這些字句,合約撰寫人為了避免文句重複造成閱讀負擔與篇幅冗長,於是就簡單用"the same"兩個字來代替。(換句話說,如果不用"the same"的方法,整句話應該是:"No change in or modification of this Agreement shall be valid unless the change in or modification of this Agreement is made in writing."


至於例二裏的"thereof",也可以從上下文看出來是代替 "of the English version" 這幾個字。這和第一類的"hereof"其實有類似的解讀方法,但是"hereof""here"通常都可以用"this agreement"來代替,但是 "thereof" "there" 要用什麼代替,就沒有一定的規則了,在例二"there"代替的是"the English version",在別的地方卻又代替其他的概念,這就是第二類用語為什麼較第一類來得困難的原因了。

上面舉的兩個例子,其實都算是比較容易掌握的條款,有些英文合約裏將"thereof""the same"等字眼大量運用在各種不同的地方,究竟代表什麼意義,除了細心推敲上下文,靈活思考該合約所要規範的法律邏輯關係外,恐怕還得靠讀者累積大量的英文合約處理經驗,以及平時一般英語分析能力的加強,才有辦法得心應手了。