2013-03-13 16:47:45辛老師

南非裁判長Andre Watson我心目中理想的裁判擁有哪些特徵


南非裁判長andre Watson我心目中理想的裁判擁有哪些特徵

What’s on my mind











我們正在教導省級裁判團,和有欲進階的裁判成員,在比賽當日他們獲得到什麼?範圍從技術上,從固定比賽模式如scrum, line-out到讓比賽自由流程,和亂集團如ruck, maul.這是對頂級裁判最深奧的信息.他們專業裁判知識也需要經驗累積














當一位裁判,我們職責在那裏,是服務整場比賽.為了比賽進行順利,裁判要提供一致性服務球員,經由好的溝通技巧,擁有合適的氣質,和正確的規則應用.如果我們裁判能達成上述所言,比賽真的將為所有參與者--球員 教練 觀眾和賭徒所喜愛.





When Im askedwhat personal qualities make a good referee, answers include fairness, impartiality,calmnessand control. These arent wrong but what makes the ideal referee are

characteristics that best serve players, coaches andspectators. These include knowledge, consistency, communication andtemperament. These four terms have dictionary definitions, but also havespecific meaning in the context of refereeing.


Dictionary definition: awareness or familiarity caused byexperience.

Watsons definition as it pertains to refereeing: Knowledgerelates to knowledge not only of the laws but also of the game. Knowledge ofthe laws only and not the other areas is as dangerous as no knowledge at all.Without the knowledge of the laws, the game, the needs of the players, the aimat scrums, attack, defence, etc, the referee cannot conduct the orchestrasmoothly. Were teaching our Provincial Panel and ContendersSquad referees to give the game of the day what it deserves, ranging fromtechnical and tight tofree-flow and loose. This isa deep message for the very best(top-level) refs, whose knowledge also entails experience.

Consistency y

Dictionary definition: conforming with other or earlierpractices

Watsons definition: Consistency is the word on everybodys lips; for a referee, it means starting and ending the game withthe same application, attitude and demeanour, and not contradicting earlier applications,attitudes and general behaviours. There also needs to be a

similar (compatible) application between referees for example, all referees should usethe same cadence in calling the scrum engagement. Consistency in refereeing meanssteadiness and harmony with the game and oneself.

Communication n

Dictionary definition: act of imparting news, information.

Watsons definition: Poor communication can be the biggest killer of refereesreputations. We in South Africastrive to communicate in a respectful and approachable manner, yet firmly anddisplaying control of the situation at all times. Communication is not limited towords but also entails body language a crucial componentof refereeing.


Dictionary definition: a personsdistinct nature and character.

Watsons definition: Temperament is something youre born with, and a good temperament isa boon to a referee. Does the referees inherenttemperament cause him to lose his temper or become flustered? Does he behave erraticallyor come across as moody? Does he take

personally actions or non-actions by players? Asreferees, were there to service thegame, to provide a consistentservice to the players through good communication, witha suitable temperament and the correct knowledgefor the sake of the game. If we can achievethis, the game will truly be enjoyed by all stakeholders.

Happy reffing!