2009-05-09 03:19:37ArJoE

Everything is Settle down and done

3rd May, 2009

It has been 9 months since my last diary. I was busy, and I finish all my school now. I am now quite disappointed at the moment, and I couldn’t sleep as well.


In the past year, I have been working hard on my study, in job hunting, as well as the relation between my girl friend and I. I plan everything with buffer, and every did go well as I predicted. However, I did not gain a job for now, and my relation with my girl friend is being challenged.


For job hunting, I don’t regret on anything. I have did my best so far. The economy is really getting worse, and company reduce the salary as well as vacancies. Normally, we got a job prior our graduation, but it is different from this year. My intention was becoming an engineer, instead of any other fields. It is tough, but it is my dream.


For the relation between my girl friend and I, I did not regret anything, but I did not afraid of breaking up someday. I am not bursting. Jenny, my girl friend is also my dream, like every girl I love in the past. I truly want to keep the relation, but it takes time to adept, to change, as well as to know each other. I told her my thought, and she sometime freaked out by me. I could understand my conversation could be rude, but I want to let her know the truth. I am a poor boy friend, who is rational most of the time. I even had formula of govern love. Sorry about it…..


I am thinking about to shut down this diary. This diary was everything happen in during my college. This is a record of my feeling across these six years, since my gradation from middle school. It is also filled with memory of pain, happy, silliness, thankfulness. I hereby give my wholehearted thanks to my teacher and friends, who give me a reborn, especially, the girl who talked to me via ICQ 6 years ago.