2008-02-06 22:19:35ArJoE

Mo Duck Fun

February 6, 2008 Sunny
Since I was feeling so sick, I had a very good plan to sleep yesterday. I slept at 11:30pm, and could slept almost immediately. Unfortunately, I was awaken by the cold weather again. Why? My nice roommate, Peter opened the half of the window. The cold air was sucked from the window to the door via my bed, on which I was sleeping.

It was 3am in the morning, the entire room was cold and I couldn’t sleep again. I went out to take a shower. When I come back, I saw the window was closed by someone, obviously, by Peter. His bed is warmer that mine as it is at the corner. I had warn him more than 3 times to leave the opening of the window as small as possible. I cannot bare for his acts anymore. If he still keep doing it, I am going to buy a very good sleeping bag and leave the window fully open.

Being awoke at the mid-night, I have nothing much to do, but studying for a while. My eyes are painful and I got to take a nap when I come back from class.

P.S. Don’t worry about me, I am fine.