2005-11-10 07:38:19Jacky


讀  經:民數記22章21-35節
金  句:「神若幫助我們,誰能敵擋我們呢?」羅馬書8章31節

  牧師岡摩希多(Gumercindo)在巴西宣教時,騎著一頭毛驢輾轉各個村落去傳教。根據作者唐‧海耶(Don Hare)的記述,有一次這位旅行佈道家在一日的勞累返家途中睡著了。幾個小時候後,他被一段崎嶇顛簸的路給震醒了過來,原來他的驢子離開山徑走入了布滿碎石的小徑。一開始時這位牧師非常地生氣,但是當他看到他與驢子幾乎已經回到村落時,他便冷靜了下來。

就必將指引我直到旅程終點。 Fraser

God, Donkeys, And Us

Read: Numbers 22:21-35

If God is for us, who can be against us? –Romans 8:31

Bible In One Year:
Acts 1-2

Pastor Gumercindo rides a donkey as he travels from village to village in Brazil and preaches the gospel. According to author Don Hare, the traveling evangelist fell asleep in the saddle on his return home after a tiring day. A couple of hours later he was rudely awakened by the roughness of the ride. His donkey had left the trail and was walking through a rocky field. At first the pastor was angry, but he calmed down when he saw that they were almost back to his village.

When he arrived at his church, he learned that friends had gathered to pray for his safety. A rancher who hated the gospel had sent some men to attack him at a bend in the trail. They thanked God for causing the donkey to take a shortcut home.

Centuries ago, God used another donkey. This one miraculously spoke and saved the life of Balaam, a disobedient, money-hungry prophet (Num. 22:21-35). God got his attention, and Balaam took the Lord's message to Moab.

God cares for us and He will carry out His good plans for us, even if He has to use animals and rebellious people to do so. How has God spoken to you or cared for you through unusual circumstances? What reasons do you have to praise Him for His protection and leading? –HVL

My times are in my Father's hand;
How could I wish or ask for more?
For He who has my pathway planned
Will guide me till my journey's o'er. –Fraser

Because God is with us, we need not fear what is ahead of us.

The Lord Is My Shepherd
How Much Does God Control?

