2005-11-16 22:20:13Jacky


讀  經:詩篇37篇21-29節
金  句:「他雖失腳,也不至全身仆倒,因為耶和華用手攙扶他。」(詩篇37篇24節)

  1988年,保羅‧偉利(Paul Wylie)參加了在卡加立舉行的冬季奧林匹克運動會花式溜冰比賽。臨出場時,在現場兩萬多觀眾以及電視機前數百萬觀眾面前,保羅變得非常緊張。接著,他第一次跳躍出了差錯。他寫道:「突然間,我的手碰觸到冰,冰刀不穩。我開始失去平衡;現在我知道是什麼回事:我在往下掉落。當我摔倒在冰上的時候我只聽到同情的叫聲,彷彿有百萬聲響齊發。」


Down–But Not Done

Read: Psalm 37:21-29

Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; for the Lord upholds him with His hand. –Psalm 37:24

Bible In One Year:
James 3-5

Paul Wylie was skating in the 1988 Winter Olympics at Calgary. He was nervous as he began his program before 20,000 people and a TV audience of millions. Then, in his first jump, something went wrong. He writes, "A flash later my hand touches the ice; the blade will not hold. I start slipping and now I realize it: I am falling. All I hear as I collapse to the ice is the empathetic groan of what seems like a million voices."

Wylie was faced with a split-second choice: He could focus on the mistake and give up, or he could keep on skating and do his best. Just then this Scripture verse came to his mind: "Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down" (Ps. 37:24). He continued his routine and decided to skate "heartily, as to the Lord" (Col. 3:23). At program's end the crowd burst into enthusiastic applause for his courage and determination.

As followers of Jesus, we may be knocked off our feet by a powerful blow. A loved one may die, or we may lose a job, or we may be overlooked for a promotion. We may be dismayed by a fall into sin. It's one thing to fall; it's quite another to give up. If we get up again, reaffirm our faith in Christ, and keep on serving Him, we will not be "utterly cast down." –DCE

Success is failure turned inside out–
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit,
It's when things seem worst that you mustn't quit. –Piggott

Success consists of getting up just one more time than you've fallen down.

David & Manasseh: Overcoming Failure
Joseph: Overcoming Life's Challenges