2006-09-26 18:59:08

Incapacitated by the first taste of Contemporary Art

Tuesday, 26 September 2006

Never did I imagine the impact of Art – not until now.

Ever since attended a talk by the Artist-in-residence, Lam Tung-pang http://www.lamtungpang.com/ with the theme of touring London for Contemporary Art and Galleries yesterday afternoon, the mind has became unsettling. I haven’tt got in touch with Arts since junior high school. When talked about Gardner’s idea on multiple intelligences, visual/spatial intelligence for sure is my weakest part. Even throughout my journeys to the west, I never seriously visit any museum – except I was brought over there for a tourist spot. I couldn’t reasoned why I was attracted to the poster of the talk and even more, I am willing to put my favorite badminton on hold for that.

Now, 24 hours later, I still have no clue. Hopefully, I am getting some while I keep writing on this…..

Like what I have written in the email to Tung-pang this morning, “Ever since the talk, I realized I couldn’t go back to my previous pieces of writing nor photographs. They are either too artificial or without life/philosophy.” I can’t stop asking : is demolition a prior to re-construction? Wow, seems something big coming up.

Paradoxical theory of change – changes do require effort but not coercive effort. One has to go through the process, accept their current situations before moving on further. This is the concept I covered in the lecture last week. I realized Lord is leading me into this process.

A friend of mine, being the victim after my long day work, was forced to listen my wrestling thoughts. Starting from meeting at 8:30am this morning to standing in classroom explaining every English vocabulary instead of the concept for three hours, I was reminded of all sorts of logistic arrangements be taken into consideration in another 4:30pm meeting. Art seems so distance again. Maybe not, it actually became closer, in a way as an outlet for soul.

While the music of Ennio Morricone is still dancing around the office in this late evening, my mind has left my body, the working table, moving near the window and flied outside, far and away. It finally settled into the nature. The feeling is familiar : http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/news/jenlee/3/1267264892/20060408174750/

A bit puzzled, dizzy but feel good.

While one keeps trying to look for an answer of something’s occurrence, may be one shall stop and ask: would there be a chance of not having one?