2007-04-16 22:10:54白皮 Honhow
Kaohsiung County 高雄縣
Hakka Culture of Meinong
Meinong is probably the best-known Hakka settlement in southern Taiwan,
with fram fields, mountan , and green streams combining into a powerful
allure for tourists. The town is steeped in Hakka culture and authentic
Hakka cuisine; but it is best know for its traditional hand-made oiled-
paper umberellas and, now, for it’s pottery.
說到美味的客家菜, 還不如說是客家人早期辛苦奮鬥的經過, 以及生活環境, 有一首歌就唱出了當時的艱苦環境和生活, [唐山過台灣沒半分錢, 幾經辛苦打乒幾十年,
Meinong Hakka foods
Since previous generations of Hakka were poor, their dishes were mainly salty, savory, and fatty to better accompany a bowl of rice. As times goes by, Hakka people have improved their culinary methods, when you visit Hakka Town’s you can certainly enjoy some authentic and healthy Hakka dishes that are not oily!
用大米製成的粄條, 又稱為粿仔條, 或是板條, 當作炒麵一般的做法, 或是煮湯也不錯喔!
Hakka-Style wide rice noodles
Among traditional Hakka dishes, it can be said that wide rice noodles are the representative of Hakka food.
內容有豬肉, 豆干, 乾魷魚, 蔥, 蒜末, 一起烹炒.
Hakka-style stir-fried squid
This is the authentic Hakka taste of stewed pork, dried bean crud, dried squid, green onions, and garlic all stir-fried together after a religious ceremony.
洗乾淨的豬大腸配上生薑, 醋, 下去炒過, 特別的是酸味和嚼勁.
Ginger pork intestines
This is a requisite dish when preparing Hakka food. The way to make it is to get some nice and chewy pork intestines and combine it with shredded ginger strips and a special sour sauce. It is an unforgettable dish.
客家自製的鹹菜, 清水洗淨之後再下鍋煮湯, 煮好之後湯頭本身會帶有一點的發霉的味道.
Soup with preserved vegetable and pork
This classic Hakka soup is simple to make by bringing out the preserved vegetable’s salty flavor and the pork’s savory flavor.
用生豬肉醃製之後, 切片, 火烤, 配上蒜末, 酸….醋.
Hakka-style salty pork
Hakka-style salty pork has the saltiness, and savoriness that Hakka food should have, with a special texture and without being too oily.
客家人在拜拜敬神的時候總是會呈現這一道菜, 新鮮的豬肉下鍋油炸, 八分熟的時候再取出, 放入大鍋之中與筍乾一起燉煮, 當然滷汁也是重要的一環.
Hakka-style bamboo shoot stewed pork
This is a necessary dish for Hakka religious ceremonies and celebratory banquets, made of fresh pork fried in oil, then simmered in sauce to give it a delicious flavors when it is served.
野薑花的根莖磨成粉末狀, 用來代替味精, 加上山胡椒, 香菇, 黑豬肉, 蘿蔔乾, 生米, 一起用鍋子炒成半熟. 在用野薑花的葉子, 包裹起來放入蒸籠蒸熟.
Dumplings wrapped in wild ginger flower leaves
Using wild ginger flower stems ground into powder in place of MSG, adding mountain pepper seasoning, and serving it with mushrooms, lean black swine pork, Hakka-style dried turnip, and stir-fried with rice. It is then wrapped in the wild ginger flower leaves and steamed to perfection.
這裡的黑豆就是樹豆, 原本是山地原住民的主食, 將樹豆泡水一個晚上之後, 與豬腳一起燉, 加上蒜苗, 米酒, 鹽巴. 煮好之後看起來黑黑亮亮的.
Black bean pig knuckles
Black beans refer to the “pigeon pea”, one of the staples of the earlier mountain region Aborigines. After soaking the black beans overnight, pig knuckles are added in to simmer, then seasoned with garlic sprouts, rice wine, and salt, giving it dark and shiny appearance.
[ 菸葉飯 ] 說是菸葉飯, 但是沒有菸葉, 不必擔心, 這是一種吃法而已.
用大碗公盛白飯再搭上各式配菜, 然後...一塊鹹豬肉, 再淋上湯汁. 就是 [ 菸葉飯 ].
[ 封菜 ] 高麗菜封和東瓜封兩種, 這是遊客最愛吃的兩道菜, 就是跟豬腳一起悶煮, 在撈出之後灑上蔥油酥,再加上一些香菜.
http://forestlife.info/slide/s168.htm 美濃客家文物館網址介紹
一把用竹子和少許的木頭製成的雨傘骨架, 再貼上宣紙(書法用),塗上一層又一層的天然桐油, 製成一把紙傘, 繁雜的手工程序, 使他擁有紀念價值, 如果你買了一把回去, 千萬記得, 收藏起來不用是會壞掉的喔! 最好的保養就是拿出來用用, 既使當遮陽傘也不錯, 如果是當雨傘請記得, 一定要用乾淨的布將傘面上的積水擦掉.
Paper umbrella
The paper umbrella is the most representative of Hakka souvenirs in Meinong.
Umbrella of many different sizes, patterns, and designs are available here.
You can even order a custom-made umbrella from a masterful craftsman. Paper
umbrellas are idea for decorating you home, and creating an elegant, old-
stvle ambiance anywhere.
下圖是田寮的月世界地形, 土壤含有豐富的礦物質和鹽分, 讓植物難以生長
Meinong is probably the best-known Hakka settlement in southern Taiwan,
with fram fields, mountan , and green streams combining into a powerful
allure for tourists. The town is steeped in Hakka culture and authentic
Hakka cuisine; but it is best know for its traditional hand-made oiled-
paper umberellas and, now, for it’s pottery.
說到美味的客家菜, 還不如說是客家人早期辛苦奮鬥的經過, 以及生活環境, 有一首歌就唱出了當時的艱苦環境和生活, [唐山過台灣沒半分錢, 幾經辛苦打乒幾十年,
Meinong Hakka foods
Since previous generations of Hakka were poor, their dishes were mainly salty, savory, and fatty to better accompany a bowl of rice. As times goes by, Hakka people have improved their culinary methods, when you visit Hakka Town’s you can certainly enjoy some authentic and healthy Hakka dishes that are not oily!
用大米製成的粄條, 又稱為粿仔條, 或是板條, 當作炒麵一般的做法, 或是煮湯也不錯喔!
Hakka-Style wide rice noodles
Among traditional Hakka dishes, it can be said that wide rice noodles are the representative of Hakka food.
內容有豬肉, 豆干, 乾魷魚, 蔥, 蒜末, 一起烹炒.
Hakka-style stir-fried squid
This is the authentic Hakka taste of stewed pork, dried bean crud, dried squid, green onions, and garlic all stir-fried together after a religious ceremony.
洗乾淨的豬大腸配上生薑, 醋, 下去炒過, 特別的是酸味和嚼勁.
Ginger pork intestines
This is a requisite dish when preparing Hakka food. The way to make it is to get some nice and chewy pork intestines and combine it with shredded ginger strips and a special sour sauce. It is an unforgettable dish.
客家自製的鹹菜, 清水洗淨之後再下鍋煮湯, 煮好之後湯頭本身會帶有一點的發霉的味道.
Soup with preserved vegetable and pork
This classic Hakka soup is simple to make by bringing out the preserved vegetable’s salty flavor and the pork’s savory flavor.
用生豬肉醃製之後, 切片, 火烤, 配上蒜末, 酸….醋.
Hakka-style salty pork
Hakka-style salty pork has the saltiness, and savoriness that Hakka food should have, with a special texture and without being too oily.
客家人在拜拜敬神的時候總是會呈現這一道菜, 新鮮的豬肉下鍋油炸, 八分熟的時候再取出, 放入大鍋之中與筍乾一起燉煮, 當然滷汁也是重要的一環.
Hakka-style bamboo shoot stewed pork
This is a necessary dish for Hakka religious ceremonies and celebratory banquets, made of fresh pork fried in oil, then simmered in sauce to give it a delicious flavors when it is served.
野薑花的根莖磨成粉末狀, 用來代替味精, 加上山胡椒, 香菇, 黑豬肉, 蘿蔔乾, 生米, 一起用鍋子炒成半熟. 在用野薑花的葉子, 包裹起來放入蒸籠蒸熟.
Dumplings wrapped in wild ginger flower leaves
Using wild ginger flower stems ground into powder in place of MSG, adding mountain pepper seasoning, and serving it with mushrooms, lean black swine pork, Hakka-style dried turnip, and stir-fried with rice. It is then wrapped in the wild ginger flower leaves and steamed to perfection.
這裡的黑豆就是樹豆, 原本是山地原住民的主食, 將樹豆泡水一個晚上之後, 與豬腳一起燉, 加上蒜苗, 米酒, 鹽巴. 煮好之後看起來黑黑亮亮的.
Black bean pig knuckles
Black beans refer to the “pigeon pea”, one of the staples of the earlier mountain region Aborigines. After soaking the black beans overnight, pig knuckles are added in to simmer, then seasoned with garlic sprouts, rice wine, and salt, giving it dark and shiny appearance.
[ 菸葉飯 ] 說是菸葉飯, 但是沒有菸葉, 不必擔心, 這是一種吃法而已.
用大碗公盛白飯再搭上各式配菜, 然後...一塊鹹豬肉, 再淋上湯汁. 就是 [ 菸葉飯 ].
[ 封菜 ] 高麗菜封和東瓜封兩種, 這是遊客最愛吃的兩道菜, 就是跟豬腳一起悶煮, 在撈出之後灑上蔥油酥,再加上一些香菜.
http://forestlife.info/slide/s168.htm 美濃客家文物館網址介紹
一把用竹子和少許的木頭製成的雨傘骨架, 再貼上宣紙(書法用),塗上一層又一層的天然桐油, 製成一把紙傘, 繁雜的手工程序, 使他擁有紀念價值, 如果你買了一把回去, 千萬記得, 收藏起來不用是會壞掉的喔! 最好的保養就是拿出來用用, 既使當遮陽傘也不錯, 如果是當雨傘請記得, 一定要用乾淨的布將傘面上的積水擦掉.
Paper umbrella
The paper umbrella is the most representative of Hakka souvenirs in Meinong.
Umbrella of many different sizes, patterns, and designs are available here.
You can even order a custom-made umbrella from a masterful craftsman. Paper
umbrellas are idea for decorating you home, and creating an elegant, old-
stvle ambiance anywhere.
下圖是田寮的月世界地形, 土壤含有豐富的礦物質和鹽分, 讓植物難以生長
[ 月世界日月雞 ] 用田寮的泥火山泥巴將整隻雞包起來, 下去悶烤. 等熟成之後再敲開外表的泥巴, 也一併除去雞毛簡單省事, 高溫的封存之下讓肌肉保含水分, 雞油穿透肉質香味四溢, 會讓所有的人不知不覺之中往妳這裡靠近, 但是...火侯不易掌控.
高雄田寮的月世界以泥岩的險惡地形著稱, 也讓這裡的老百姓吃足苦頭, 因為農作生長不易, 於是只能放養一些雞隻, 讓雞糞肥沃土地, 才能長出一些簡單的農作物, 但是...也因為這裡的礦物質豐厚, 而讓土雞得以肉質鮮美, 讓這裡的養土雞業充滿每一戶人家, 也讓餐廳門亭若市.
[ 寶來梅子餐 ] 每當過了農曆11月, 12月之後, 就是梅子開始孕育的時段, 清明節前後就是梅子的採收季節,一直到端午之前, 都可以在樹上採到新鮮的梅子, 有的加工製酒, 有的成為蜜餞, 梅醋...可愛的居民就把他丟進廚房...成為一道一道的料理. 有梅子壽司, 梅子雞湯, 梅汁排骨...
下圖已經照得清清楚楚, 我跑了好幾趟才得到我要的陽光角度(佛光山)
[ 月世界日月雞 ] 用田寮的泥火山泥巴將整隻雞包起來, 下去悶烤. 等熟成之後再敲開外表的泥巴, 也一併除去雞毛簡單省事, 高溫的封存之下讓肌肉保含水分, 雞油穿透肉質香味四溢, 會讓所有的人不知不覺之中往妳這裡靠近, 但是...火侯不易掌控.
高雄田寮的月世界以泥岩的險惡地形著稱, 也讓這裡的老百姓吃足苦頭, 因為農作生長不易, 於是只能放養一些雞隻, 讓雞糞肥沃土地, 才能長出一些簡單的農作物, 但是...也因為這裡的礦物質豐厚, 而讓土雞得以肉質鮮美, 讓這裡的養土雞業充滿每一戶人家, 也讓餐廳門亭若市.
[ 寶來梅子餐 ] 每當過了農曆11月, 12月之後, 就是梅子開始孕育的時段, 清明節前後就是梅子的採收季節,一直到端午之前, 都可以在樹上採到新鮮的梅子, 有的加工製酒, 有的成為蜜餞, 梅醋...可愛的居民就把他丟進廚房...成為一道一道的料理. 有梅子壽司, 梅子雞湯, 梅汁排骨...
下圖已經照得清清楚楚, 我跑了好幾趟才得到我要的陽光角度(佛光山)
我不太會表達這裡的感受, 但是...這裡是台灣最早期的宗教文化中心, 如果你對佛光山陌生, 那不妨你來走走.
法師在七歲的時候跟隨著母親有一餐沒一餐的過日子, 而有一天...
如果聽我說一定不清楚, 所以請各位參考下面連結的解說, 或是親自來跑一趟!
http://www.fgs.org.tw/ 佛光山全球資訊網
Located in Dashu Township, Kaohsiung County, Fokuangshan was built in 1967
and today is thelargest Buddhist complex in Taiwan. In addition to it’s
temples it has a giant Buddha statue 120 meters tall surrounded by 480
smaller buddha images. The primary structures are comprised of for main
halls.Exhibitions are mounted on an irregular basis, adding to the
attraction for tourists. The peak of activity here comes from the Chinese
New Year to the Lantern Festival.
我不太會表達這裡的感受, 但是...這裡是台灣最早期的宗教文化中心, 如果你對佛光山陌生, 那不妨你來走走.
法師在七歲的時候跟隨著母親有一餐沒一餐的過日子, 而有一天...
如果聽我說一定不清楚, 所以請各位參考下面連結的解說, 或是親自來跑一趟!
http://www.fgs.org.tw/ 佛光山全球資訊網
Located in Dashu Township, Kaohsiung County, Fokuangshan was built in 1967
and today is thelargest Buddhist complex in Taiwan. In addition to it’s
temples it has a giant Buddha statue 120 meters tall surrounded by 480
smaller buddha images. The primary structures are comprised of for main
halls.Exhibitions are mounted on an irregular basis, adding to the
attraction for tourists. The peak of activity here comes from the Chinese
New Year to the Lantern Festival.
Baolai Hot Springs
The town of ”Baolai” is located in the scenic northestern part of
Kaohsiung County on the banks of the ”Laonong River”. There are
numerous resorts with spa facilities and cozy wood cabins. What makes
taking a hot-spring bath at Baolai special is the absence of noise and
the fresh air from the surrounding mountain forest. Baolai is in ”
Maolin National Scenic Area”, known for its spectacular mountain
scenery, remote villages inhabited by indigenous people, and a profusion
of butterflies.
白皮 您好: