2003-10-04 00:03:03尚未設定

Something to share.

I have recently written an article as a piece of assignment for my journalism class. I like it pretty much and wanna share it here.

“AHh……” A high-pitch terrible scream incorporated with fear, anxiety and pain was coming out from his workplace. In contrast with the noise, people waiting outside were in their absolute silence.

No one realised how many minutes or hours has gone until he walked out from the room with sweat on his forehead, slowly taking off his mask and tell every single one, ‘Congratulations, both the mother and the baby girl are safe and healthy.’

Dr. Peter Johnson has been a surgeon in gynaecology for more than 10 years, and there have been more than hundreds of babies delivered by him.

“I decided to be a doctor since I was young, but I hate seeing people’s death as well. After I got into the medical school, I learnt that I would see patients passing away no matter how good I am,” said Dr. Johnson.

“Therefore I chose to be a surgeon here. It is always the most joyful corner inside a hospital, I am lucky enough to work here.

I would never get bored with this amazing job. Every time when I deliver a baby, I am witnessing the arrival of a new life, something which is so vulnerable, pure, innocent, small, wrinkled and bloody…...”

It is bloody, and it is bloody painful as well! Before the little stuff could finally jet out, there has to be a lady laying on the bed, swearing all her gods that she would never ever have a baby again.

No one could realize how painful it actually is, unless one have experienced.

If she was lucky enough, the contraction of the womb might last for only a few hours. Suffering from a few hours of throes is lucky?

“Why not? Some people have to withstand the pain for one whole day before the womb is ready to come out. The longest record I have ever seen is 27 hours, and that was my most memorable one,” Dr. Johnson was recalling something.

It was a memory about an awesome lady whose husband was dead three months after she got pregnant. The baby become the most valuable gift that her husband had left her, and she promised herself to bring their kid into this world.

There might be a curse in her fate. Besides the psychological hardness of giving birth without husband’s support, her contraction was so slow that she had to endure the physical pain for 27 hours, a continuous suffer for one whole day!

The tough lady kept her promise finally. After receiving her little baby from Dr. Johnson’s hands, she showed the warmest smile in the whole world, with all her love; she had her first tear out after 27 hours, thinking of her dead husband.

“I love my job, not just because I can help bringing life to this world, it is also because I learn a lot about life, about human beings as I am working here.”

Here is his workplace, an operation room with lots of blood, sweat and tear. The most important thing is, it is a place where new lives come.

A picture of wave taken in Cairns