2009-01-04 17:04:11Hertford

Tasting – Four Old Glenfarclas

: 20091/3


這次再加碼兩支老格蘭花,四支一起PK, 越來越有趣~ 不過之間還是有明顯段差.另外,1965的oakwood相對的令人感到相當舒服耐喝!補另外兩支還沒酒評的部分.


Glenfarclas 1966/1997 OB 46% B#0697/1200 One of Glenfarclas Oldest Reserve

C: deep amber, red gold

23 N: Beautiful and elegant sherry, fresh prune, banana peer, citrus, tangerine, followed by a little raisin, orange, pear, very fruity. Then some smoky wood cask, still feel young and active, complexes

23 T: full, tangerine peer, citrus, a little plum, peach, melon, fruity. A little bitterness of orange peer at the end. Smooth and round, good impact

22 F: long, juicy, citrus, fresh prune, good texture and extension, a little bitter of coca, but few complexes at the end, still expect..

22 B: good balanced both for nosing and tasting, very easy to drink, quite an active old one!


Glenfarclas 1965/2005 Scott’s Selection 48.5% Matured in Oakwood Cask

C: amber, yellow gold

23 N: tangerine juice, citrus, a little apricot, ginger, vanilla, grapefruit, very fruity and creamy, complexes

22 T: full,a little dry, spicy, good texture and tannins, citrus, cooked fruit, hint of quince at the middle of tongue. A little liquoices and pepper at the end

22 F: long, peach, tangerine juice, good extension, pear, ginger, pepper. Good impact and layers.

23 B: very good balanced! Very fruity and juicy. Enjoyable! Another wonderful Glenfarclas. It worth to be given 90+ points


Jim McEwan 2009-01-12 14:07:03

1965oakwood-Scott`s selection ?蠻low的

魔王兄,拜託別再倒馬桶了,麻煩留給小弟,至少這支酒質比Legacy好多了! 2009-01-12 19:07:32
ljshen 2009-01-11 17:12:45

好ㄚ~ 我認為不只是與年代有關, 主要的原因應該是在 70-80年代前很少vintage裝瓶, 相對的, 所選出裝成vintage 的酒必屬極佳珍品; 相反的, 最近這些年裝瓶的70-80年代的vintage越來越多, 反而好料越來越少哩!

農曆過年前有機會找一天嗎? 喝好酒好過年啊~~ 2009-01-12 19:04:37
ljshen 2009-01-11 00:43:19

我覺得這隻1965oakwood-Scott`s selection 比起你那隻21年的怪物仍有非常長的距離....

2009-01-11 16:51:24