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129859107817187500_206Information: Iran Navy conducted large-scale exercises in the Strait of Hormuz region 2nd, Iran parliamentary national security and Foreign Relations Committee member yibolaxin·muhanmodi said that, the Commission has drafted a motion calling on the Government to prohibit "sanctions against Iran national transport crude oil tanker" through the Strait of Hormuz, to respond to the EU's Iran oil embargo imposed. 3Japan, America, Germany and Britain, France and Russia and Iran in Turkey Istanbul, Iran expert-level talks on nuclear issues. EU sanctions entered into force on 1st of the month it is learnt that this motion is Iran the EU oil embargo against Iraq. Iran 290 members gw2 power leveling, 100 have signed the motion, which would soon be submitted to Parliament for consideration in the plenary. United States and the European Union for Iran to implement a new round of singleSanctions on June 28 and came into effect on July 1. Iran oil rich in resources, is the world's fourth-largest oil producer. Oil is Iran's economic lifeline, 85% per cent of total foreign exchange earnings. Hormuz is Iran South linking the Persian Gulf and Oman Gulf shipping route, near 40% in the world of oil and sizeable gas exports to all over the world, Have a strategic impact on global oil supplies. Iran insist on diplomatic solution to Iran Foreign Ministry spokesman meihemanpalasite 2nd in Tehran said that the United States and the European Union for Iran to implement a new round of sanctions, has posed a threat to security and balance in the world energy market. The US and Europe on Iran imposed unilateral sanctions "lacks legitimacy, contrary to many, including free trade internationalThe rules ", these" irresponsible "measures had had a negative impact on the world economy, the West responsible. Meihemanpalasite reiterated that Iran strongly defend their positions unchanged, sanctions will only make Iran more solidarity and promote Iran self-sufficiency. According to the diplomat who asked not to be identified, said that six-party talks held on 3rd, consultations behind closed doors before the meeting, delegatesIn connection with Iran nuclear issues on a technical level there are also differences. Ashton, the EU High Representative for foreign and security policy said in a statement released in advance, want Iran to seize the opportunity of this meeting to come up with concrete measures to respond to the concerns of the international community. Iran Foreign Minister said Mr Salehi, 2nd, Iran nuclear issue can only be resolved through diplomatic and political means, there is no alternative. Xinhua, the integratedAnalysis of general election pressure "to extract" difficult compromises Mahmoud Ahmadinejad? Compared with previous sanctions, United States a new round of financial sanctions and the spectre of the EU oil embargo Iran economic crux, which Iran economic impacts are unprecedented. Although Iran able to evade many of the sanctions in the past few years, but from all indications are that the oil embargo will be a heavy blow to its economy. Analysts believe that, in the WestCountry strong under pressure of sanctions, Iran is still tough on the one hand, claiming that the sanction is not valid; the other hand take a series of measures to avoid suffering greater losses in the domestic economy and influence. Long before the entry into force of the EU oil embargo against Iraq, Iran has taken a number of measures. Its leaders frequently visited areas such as Latin American countries to find new oil buyers, while old customers with stoneOil price discounts and other incentives. In addition, Iran again, threat to blockade the Strait of Hormuz-the strategy for this global oil transport routes. Early this year, at the end of last year, Iran has held numerous military exercises and issued this warning on several occasions. In hardline attitude at the same time, Iran also implied hope continued dialogue on the Iranian nuclear issue and the West. Analysts pointed out that Iran currently face both within and outside theAll kinds of difficulties occur simultaneously. Internationally, Japan, and Korea, the main Iran oil-importing countries have been reduced from Iran imported crude oil, even have good relations with Turkey are also reduce imports of crude oil, Iran was further international isolation. At the national level, Iran deteriorating economic situation, currency sharply devalued, prices, high levels of unemployment, ordinary people's lives miserable, the wealthyBuying hedge products or transfer assets abroad. Analysts believe that Iran will hold presidential elections next year, the domestic faction was secretly wrestling, are unwilling to compromise on the nuclear issue, because compromise an internal hardline support, reduce chances. And as long as Iran does not compromise, will be more sanctions in the West guild wars 2 power leveling, force more countries to join the oil embargo against Iraq.(Editors: Zhao Dong)