2006-02-14 07:40:41土撥鼠公公


在Co-op Canex Program裡,有很多都是技術移民來的,其中有Biochemical,Biomedical, Accounting,IT 專業等等,有些同學都無法找到屬於自己專業領域的工作,一年,兩年還有四年以上的.

那他們這段時間都靠什麼過活呢? 有很多同學都半都是找Surviver Job, 例如店員(目前聽到的是如此,可能還有其他案例 ,待後續發掘).本來我想只有華人才會有這樣的待遇 ,卻驚奇的發現裡面有蘇俄,羅馬尼亞,哥倫比亞,印度, 巴基斯坦, 斯洛伐克等等國籍的新移民.甚至每年有超過20萬新移民來加拿大,卻也有一半的新移民灰心的回到祖國(從台灣來的應該也是一部分 ).

課堂中有一位墨西哥裔的Mr. Luis Flores新移民,前兩年曾經參加過這個Program ,他是從事電影製作的,也曾經花過三年才透過這個課程獲得Plac ement,請注意這課程只是提供給你Placement機會 (沒有薪水己付的工作),而不是真正的工作! 不過Placement成為你的工作那倒是有可能的~

他來課程裡招演員願意將自己的經驗(面談,生活等等) ,透過紀錄片的拍攝分享給其他人,這個需要一年時間 ,也許就可能會出現在電視頻道裡~ 我沒有勇氣去參加,因為畢竟比較低調,僅希望透過加拿大隨筆來跟人 家分享,卻不願意亮相於鏡頭下!

我期待這個紀錄片的早日完成拍攝,好讓我們這些新移民, 能夠吐吐一些心理的話,讓政府及社會知道,加拿大還有這麼多的專業人士無法進入之專業就業市場,來協助加拿大的經濟.千萬不讓他們抱著滿心希望來加拿大,卻沮喪失望的回到故鄉!

1. 保加利亞籍
Hello, everyone! My name is XXXXX, I have been in Canada for 5 months, I have a Master of Science in Economics from University of National and World Economy, Sofia, Bulgaria and I was working as a credit expert for 4 years in Bulgaria, for Unionbank. I am lucky to be with you and I wish luck to everyone with CanEx!

2. 阿爾巴尼亞籍

Hi! My name is XXXXX. I'm from Albania. All people have trouble with the sound of letter "q" in my name, including teachers. It has a sound that does not exist in english, so I would prefer people to call me Mano. My backgraund is Geofysical Engineer,but I changed my career since I was in my country. Most of the time I tought in High School subjects like Technical Drawing and Computer. I wish the best to all students of CanEx.

3. 巴基斯坦籍
Hi everyone I am OXXXX. I graduated from Pakistan in Physics and in Canada I changed my career and took a certificate in a computerized accounting and now like all of you I want a canadian experience. I hope I will get it soon and wish you all best of luck.

4. 羅馬尼亞籍

Hello I’m XXXXXX from Romania, I graduated from XXXXX College- Office Administration, and I am looking for an admin position. I worked in a University as an Administrative Assistant in Bucharest, the capital of Romania before I came in Canada, in 2002. I write poems and short stories. Also, I love to read and, of course, I adore music. I hope to meet new and wonderful people at CanEx

5. 伊朗籍

Hi there, I am XXX from Iran. Basically, I am an accountant. I have studied in France so I am considered bilingual! I wish to see a good interaction in this forum. I am sure that members could help each other and this is a very good way of networking.Good luck to everybody.