2004-11-17 00:16:12Bionic Cat


前言:沒想到四哈比中,真正跟愛爾蘭最相關的是...看下去吧。節錄自60秒訪談(2004, 4/14)
If nature's your thing, you must have really enjoyed filming The Lord Of The Rings?
Yeah, that was one of the main things that kept me involved with the environment when I finished filming. You can find yourself on top of a mountain or beside a huge lake and you can feel the power of nature coming up through your body. I've been in places in Ireland and Scotland where you just feel how incredibly special certain parts of the world are.

EXTRA QUESTION: You mentioned Ireland. Where do you go?
My family are from Galway, I've got relatives in Sligo, and obviously somewhere along the line my family are from County Monaghan. I really like Dublin; there are a lot of places that I go in Ireland, but mainly Galway, which I think is beautiful. There's great surf there as well, if a bit chilly.
A:我的家族來自高爾威(YAYAYA~~我就是住在這兒,愛爾蘭西岸最大城市),我也有親戚住在Sligo(位於西北岸,愛爾蘭文豪葉慈最愛的小鎮,我也住了一週),另外從我的姓就可以看出我們整個家族都是來自Monaghan(哈哈!謎底揭曉:Dominic Monaghan!!莫那罕省位於愛爾蘭與北愛邊界,移民大省)。我很喜歡都柏林;我去過愛爾蘭很多地方,但主要都待在高爾威,這是我認為最美的地方(我拜訪過時幾個愛爾蘭小鎮,這裡真的是數一數二)。也有很多衝浪的地方,只是有點冷。