2006-05-29 18:49:08叻女

Conflicts - Final Round


我向T老師發出的要求再一次的被拒絕,但是今次我作出最後的申請給Prof Wong。雖然成功申請的機會不大,但是試過總好過默默的接受吧!至少,我要讓他們知道我是在當中受苦的一個人,而且我已經到達我可承受的極限了。看著T老師的Email的一句:”This is a matter of choice between your commitment to a course of professional training and your job, which has to be made by yourself. If you really can’t fulfill the fieldwork requirement, an option may be to defer your course of study. But of course, any deferment would affect your graduation schedule. ” 你真的認為我不知道嗎?之後,我便忍著淚回了一封申請請假的信給各位老師。

信末,我寫道:”It seems to me that there is no other possible solution in my mind except writing this selfish and willful request, which is my final attempt for such unsolvable conflicts at this moment. ” 的確,我的心是在很傷痛的情況打出這一封道出我內心矛盾的信。


1. 情緒失控,多謝你的陪伴。

2. 晚上,再看一次《豕與自以為是的豬》,感覺好一點了。Anyway, 問題總會解決,只在乎以什麼形式的去解決而已。

3. 我還喜歡懂得笑的自己多過哭的我。

4. 昨晚被CD店的小姐說我「可愛」呢!

