2006-07-18 17:15:48Knight

I Know If

I know if I stop at the past agony
Sure I won't meet your smile
Sweetening the evening coffee
Of which I wish the golden sunset
Will last forever.

I know if I immerse in the bygone passion
Sure I won't encounter your eyes
Illuminating the fading emotion
Of which I beseech the silver moonlight
Will stay eternally

I know if cling to the deceased heart
Sure I won't sense your voice
Reverberating in the midnight wind
Of which I plead the exultant heartbeat
Will persist perpetually

But, for what new sorrow I have to suffer
As if the torrents of spears and swords
Collapse on the seashore of my mind

For what new apprehension I have to endure
As if the storms of fire and thundering
Devastate the impoverished domain of my love
琴歌 2006-07-19 10:29:59

What a sorrow verse I read with the sad feeling now...
I got the same feeling once while indulging the past sadness memory,but I still try to direct my mood to the optimistic way,then I wrote down the verse I posted below.
Wish it could make you getting other thinking in the way.

I walked through the torture of life
What has been left is the tender heart of mine
Adore you with it in a susceptible way
In which you are everything among my remains
I passed through the obscurity of night
All have been with me is the loving sight
Stare at you in an affectionate way
In which you deserve the focus of my doe eyes
I escaped from the flame of the Infernal
What have been kept is the passion
Caress upon your soul in a sensual way
In which you are the indulgement I can`t hurry away~~~

Be well~~