2006-07-02 00:26:45Knight

The Way to Love: Verses by Ann & Knight

【By Ann】(琴歌):

I compose a love song at the lyre
With the charm of Orpheus style
No mundane rhythm could be heard
Only by your perception could feel

I recite a love sonnet to the ether
With the manner of Shakespeare
No earthly voice could be listened
Only your soul is endowed with telepathy

I swear a love oath to the deities
With the fealty of Samurai's duty
No subconscious baulk could hinder
Only our affections could create wonder~~~
【By Knight】(帝國騎士):

Searching for thousand years
The legend of Holy Grail
Epitomizes your fairness
For which my immortal soul
Has been eagerly offered

Rambling through civilizations
The rise and fall of empires
I crave for your passionate verses
Of which reverberate
The theme of purity

Contriving an alchemic transmutation
I fervently strive for the formation
Of a philosopher’s stone
Which will I convert my triviality
Into the sacrosanct admiration of your love

上一篇:Futile Lines

下一篇:I Know If