2018-09-05 08:18:36凌子楚


Bribery needs paying money back and returning interest as well.







我相信,過去 是因為 你們在 我在,未來 是因為 我在 你們在。

Bribery since then has not only sold out the past and now of us but also betrayed our kids’ future and any possibilities to come home with jobs and careers.

Find the way back to Chiayi.

Over past 30 years no industry has been being the main cause leading to no comfortable jobs for youths to come home back, so as soon as possible to set up a new special economic zone for eco-friendly industry in Chiayi is the only way to work out the dilemma of our city’s development.
Find the way back to Chiayi.

We have been being tired of all the failures of administration, finance and congress, resulting from endlessly and maliciously political civil war.

We have way wanted to build up a political culture with publicity, open transparency, multi-participation so as to solve every-day problems well in time, reflectively making a progress day by day.

Find the way back to Chiayi.

We should scrutinize the urban plan to find a place for a special economic zone with new eco-friendly industry to create plenty of employment chances for juveniles to have chances to get more comfortable jobs. Let them be able to come reunify with their family after graduating from colleges and universities in other cities.

Believe in your choices to change our city firmly. That’s why I could have ever insisted till now. Let’s struggle for our kids’ future again to challenge everything seeming impossible in the past.

I still strongly believe in the past you were wherever I was, but in the future I will be wherever you are.