2005-06-02 00:01:16SmileAngel

It is raining, and so do I

I miss U
cant stop thinking of u
just realize that i care u even more than before
dont know whether it is good or not
however~ i always know the final result

it's finish ~ didnt even start didnt have any processes
but fihish ............

dont worry about me i will be fine
i am just enjoying living in my own world imagining my creative life
and Being StupiD~

cried when the rain cried
stop when the rain stop
it was only less than 5 minutes
i release ..... set myself free ?!
Promiss me, drop ur tears anymore never ever
just give me 5 minutes, i will set myself free~
you will never see my tears N E V E R

afraid of facing the truth, the reality ~ myself
there is nothing wrong with u, just only me, being stupid