2014-08-11 13:27:31fdgwelica6rf


I travel a lot internationally, and I’ve found a few Android applications to be indispensable for travel. Here are my 5 favorite Android apps for travel. MAPS Maps by Google is very handy while traveling. I was in Kuala Lumpur last week, and it gave me 2 routes from my hotel to KL Bird Park: 1 by walking, and 1 route by car. It’s not always 100% accurate, but you can always step around the few errors, or a new building in your way. Make sure this app is on your phone before you travel. LINE LINE is a chatting/messaging app that works like Whatsapp (its popular competitor), but it works better, has a smoother interface, and is free! Whatsapp is only free for the first 12 months. LINE has another nice feature: it uses an ID name instead of your phone number. That means, to connect with a new contact he just has to tell you his ID, such as businessman11, and you add him - quick and easy. Sometimes I worry about giving my phone number to too many people. With Line, I just tell them my ID name. They are connected to me with Line, but they don’t know my phone number. I can connect to Line via wifi, so I can chat and talk with my friends from around the globe. I travel often between Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur, and this is a handy way to stay in touch with contacts in both cities, as well as my American contacts at home in the US. Translate Translate by Google is pretty handy for looking up 2 or 3 words while traveling abroad. It’s useless for translating sentences, especially in Asia, but does a good job with single words (most of the time). In Thailand, if I type in the Thai sentence "Can you join me for a coffee at the Mall" it comes back as "The shop eats locks and owl tea forever." Thus: useless. However, look up just 1 word, such as "coffee" and you’re in business. Hotel Tonight This small application by Hotel Tonight is pretty handy for finding a room. Photos are available, and the information is short and concise. You can find a room in your price range pretty quickly. It even has last-minute room prices... a very compact and handy app. Your Airline Most major airlines have their own app. Download it before the trip. Some of the features can be useful, such as flight information, on-time info, and check-in. Extras For currency exchange rates, XE Currency is pretty good, but you don’t really need an app. Just pop in the 2 currencies at Google Search and the rate will appear. Restaurant finders aren’t very helpful in most cities, and I still find it easier to ask my hotel staff for recommendations. Remember to look up the equivalent to 911 "emergency number" for the country before you travel (such as 1155 in Thailand and 999 in Malaysia). Have a safe trip! See also: Travel Phobias: 10 Tips for Nervous Travelers 7 Unexpected Expenses that Catch Travelers by Surprise The Real World of International Business Travel