2016-07-24 08:07:16eleanoe40qon2

一對一的英文 美語補習班推薦 actual consumption中文意思是什麼

    全民英檢報名日期 全國補習班英文輕鬆學 高中英文教學 高階美語高雄英文會話補習班 英語英檢考試 語言教學看電影學英文軟體 免費英文學習 高中英文補習英語學習單 toeic線上課程 英文聽力訓練方法英語會話班推薦 全民英檢補習臺南英文家教鐘點費 免費聽英文故事 如何學好英文聽力



actual consumption中文意思是什麼

actual consumption解釋

實際消費, 實際消耗

  • actual: adj 現實的,實際的,真實的,現行的,現在的。 in actual existence 現存。 in actual life 在現實生活...
  • consumption: n. 1. 消費(量);消盡,消耗,滅絕。2. 【醫學】結核病;癆病,肺癆 (=pulmonary consumption)。

  • 英文線上教學網站 教會學英文 By the ways of setting up community reception day, developing and training a lot of social volunteers keen in public welfare into liaisons for complaints and reports and conciliators for consumption disputes, the points of consumer complaints advocate green consumption raise the sense of self - protection of the consumers ' of all walks, carry out grassroot law popularization and legal promotion, introduce famous and top quality commodities, support the development of the enterprises in communities, make it aims to raise the people ' s sense of protecting consumers ' rights legally and to purify market environment in the communities, serve the civilized construction of communities in the city and economic construction in the communities, to reflect the nature of the people and broadness to the utmost, to focus on settlement of the people ' s actual problems, face the people and bring benefits to them, meet their need for raise living and spiritual quality, endeavor to create new situation for economic and civilization in the communities and villages and towns

  • The result suggests that flies might use their sense of smell ? as well as the actual consumption of food ? to help determine how rich their environment is, and how they should go about distributing their energy resources

    這一結果表明,果蠅可能藉助它們的嗅覺? ?和實際的食物攝入量? ?來判斷它們生存環境中營養物質的豐富程度,從而分配它們體內的能量使用。
  • On the basis of test results, the effects of operation parameters such as material thickness, heating temperature and pressure of drying chamber on vacuum freeze drying are discussed. aiming at decreasing drying time and reducing energy consumption, these parameters are optimized and optimization results agree well with actual results

  • The “ consumption tax rate ” refers to the actual sales price or the deemed sales price for tax purposes for cigarette manufacturing enterprises

    公式中的「消費稅比例稅率」 ,是指卷煙生產企業銷售卷煙的實際價格或核定的計稅價格所適用的比例稅率。
  • But during the 1980 ' s, cereal grain production growth slowed and the actual per capita consumption was less in 1990 than in 1980 家教網 說英文

    但在1980年代,穀物糧食生產增長緩慢, 1990年實際人均消費低於1980年。

    actual aberration, actual construction time, actual consumer, actual contact area, actual corpus, actual cost accounting system

    actual consumption中文意思是什麼
      英文會話 推薦 銀行英語會話 中文學習 app上班族英文雜誌 雅思英檢讀英文 global english線上英語課程英文資源 學英文的電影 臺北英文補習班推薦電腦學英文 全民英檢成績查詢 英文由f字學起一對一的英文 美語補習班推薦英語 補習 推薦 免費線上聽英文英文補習 學英文 影集安親班的英文 全民英檢初試 global english線上英語課程兒童英文教學 如何學英文會話
