2023-09-19 16:35:45dycables

Flexible shaft with a preference toward Intuitive

While the flexible shaft for brushcutter is busy moving projects forward, the Intuitive-Feeling person is focusing on people and their needs, believing time is used well when looking for and finding life's purpose.

-- I was in the drug store the other day trying to get a cold medication. Not easy. There's an entire wall of products that you need. You stand there going, "Well, this one is quick acting but this is long lasting... which is more important, the present or the future? -- Jerry Seinfield

2. Differences in how we view things:

People focus on different things when trying to accomplish tasks. What they focus on reveal what's important to them and are based on personal values.

Intuitive-Thinkers place great value on the systems within the organization. They enjoy analyzing data, predicting outcomes and explaining why things work the way they do.

Intuitive-Feelers, however, focus on the values of the people within the workplace; how to communicate in meaningful ways, and the effects of decisions on others.

Sensing-judging people will focus on the policies and procedures, the "how to's" of the job; they will collect, categorize and store data.

Sensing-Perceivers tend to focus more on solving immediate problems and moving projects forward with the quickest approach at hand and with the variables at that moment.

3. Differences in how we relate to others:

Interactive versus non-interactive approaches can take many shapes. For example, if you work in an extraverted environment but you prefer introversion, expectations that work should be done with others can cause feelings that your own natural tendencies are not appropriate.

flexible shaft with a preference toward Intuitive-Feeling often give others all the time they need while neglecting their own time needs.

Intuitive-Thinking people often have no time for others' priorities and can forget to include the commitments of others in their planning.

Sensing-Perceivers often spread themselves out too far and scatter their efforts, leaving others wondering where they are and if they are still on board.

And Sensing-Judging people often dislike waiting for others and can appear rigid around keeping schedules and being hooked to responsibilities.

Although it is easy to see the mistakes and flaws in other peoples' work, when time pressures force us to get really focused, we may want to remember that after projects are completed, many of us can be left with painful thoughts and feelings about being stepped on or over in the name of productivity.

When deciding what to do in getting the job done while under pressure, remember that getting the job done AND building strong relationships should be viewed as equally important.

When  inner wire in completing our jobs is handled with a win-lose approach, team interactions can become destructive. Tension, as a destructive force, creates communication and problem-solving strategies that take a "positional" stance where decisions get made at the expense of another person.
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