2023-05-24 15:22:01dycables

Sp outer casing took notice when two off duty controllers

When his shift was finally bowden cables came to the locker room and embarked on his never changing routine of getting into his street clothes. The very last maneuver consisted of sitting down on "his" chair, pulling on his socks and stepping into his shoes (without moving them, mind you!). He did just this also now, then stood up and took a step forward... well, in fact he fell forward, out of his shoes, with an expression of utter horror on his face. Eventually, he did manage to remove his shoes, but the small specks of molten metal on the duct covering remained for many years, for all to see, especially those who found it difficult to believe this had indeed happened.

The Case of the Disappearing Crap comes from truly ancient times, from before the move to the new airport and as rumor had it, at the old airport the oddest things could happen. It all started with the unduly large distance between the hangar and the toilet facilities. While most people found this disturbing at the worst, one of the old hangar supers eventually came to the conclusion that his over-tasked legs should not be obliged to work even more on account of the daily calls of nature, and he further concluded that the nearby bushes were all he needed in this respect.

By careful observation the  cable outer conduit that were standard equipment in the tower, controllers established the pattern the super followed. He appeared a careful and methodical man, never using the same place again until the product of his earlier visit had had a chance to be absorbed into nature. After a time it was easy to guess which particular area he would head for on the next occasion.

At first his daily, casual walks in the direction of the thick wall of greenery went unnoticed, but one day his purpose was found out by one of the aircraft technicians. This old airport was in fact very small, with an almost family atmosphere to it and in a short time the news spread far and wide, eventually reaching even the control tower. It was typical, though, that while almost everybody had learnt about the super's clandestine activity in the bush, he himself was never told of the fact that he had been found out.

As was likely to happen, sp outer casing took notice when two off duty controllers, armed with a plank of some length, disappeared among the bushes which had been earmarked by the observation team as the next most likely port of call of the old supervisor. They did not have to wait long before he arrived on schedule. Pushing down his pants, he squatted and groaning loudly, he set about to defecate. He also had an old magazine, which he was busy reading and never noticed when the plank, silently as if moving on oiled rollers, sneaked in under him.

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