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Inglesina英吉利那Trilogy 卓爵兒童推車系統


Inglesina英吉利那Trilogy 卓爵兒童推車系統



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Inglesina Trilogy City System Quattro 設計式樣: Marron Glace · 2018

Now the Trilogy City is even more practical than before - its slender chassis that features a width of only 50 cm turns this trendy chap into an indispensable companion for the urban jungle. The Trilogy City masters even narrow lifts without losing any of its comfort. The Inglesina Trilogy City System accompanies your child right from birth up into toddlerhood. The 4-part set contains a pushchair seat, a carrycot, the group 0+ infant car seat Huggy and a practical stand.

The Trilogy City features one of the biggest carrycots (internal dimensions: 76 x 37 cm) on the market so that your little one can stretch out and feel super comfortable wherever you go. The hard carrycot can be attached to the chassis with only one click - thus, a full-size pram is created in no time at all. The large canopy as well as the windproof blanket protect your child from direct sunlight and cold wind. The carrycot comes with an adjustable backrest and adjustable ventilation slots on the bottom side. The soft and cuddly padding as well as the welcome pad that has been developed in collaboration with midwives make this cosy carrycot complete. The welcome pad is a particularly comfortable, high-quality mattress. Just like in mom's belly, your child can bend her legs and lie in a healthy supine position. The flexible support roll can be adapted easily to your little one's growth. Furthermore, the welcome pad comes with ventilation ducts and a 3D mesh cover which supplies your child with the best foundation for a healthy and safe sleep.

The light aluminium chassis of the Trilogy City combines maximum comfort with an easy folding mechanism that helps you fold the Trilogy City with only one hand into a compact and space-saving size. All wheels have ball bearing which provide a smooth run and high driving quality. Swivel front wheels that can be locked if necessary, contribute to the prams easy manoeuvrability - this way, you are ready for trips even on irregular surfaces.

The soft padded seat can be used in either a forward facing or rear facing mode. This way, your child can face mom and dad or else watch and explore the world around. For a little nap in between, you can easily adjust the backrest in multiple ways until it reaches a recline position. The large canopy protects your child from direct sunlight while a viewing panel integrated in the canopy lets you keep an eye on her wherever you go. A five-point harness as well as a safety bar protect your child and prevent her from standing up or dropping out. The safety bar can also be removed or opened to the side so that putting your child into the seat and lifting her out again is done without much effort.

The infant car seat Huggy is perfect for supplying your child with both a safe and comfortable ride in your car. It is suitable for children from birth up to approx. 13 kg and guarantees maximum safety and comfort. The infant car seat can be attached to your car by using the Isofix Base (not included in delivery) or your car's own seat belt. The infant car seat is to be attached in a rear facing mode at all times.

The practical stand which is included in delivery is perfect for letting your little one sleep at eye level. This way, you can use the spacious carrycot as a kind of bassinet in your flat or house. The carrycot and even the infant car seat can be attached to the stand with only one click. This stand enables you to move your little one's sleeping place from one room into another so that you can always create a familiar atmosphere as well as a safe and healthy place for your child to sleep - even when you are away from home. If not in use, simply fold the stand to a small size and store it even in tight spaces.

Details of pushchair:

  • Aluminium chassis with a width of only 50 cm

  • Ball bearing wheels

  • Opening and closing with one hand
  • 便宜折價卷

  • Five-point harness

  • Lockable swivel front wheels

  • Reversible seat

  • Suitable for up to 15 kg

  • Cover can be removed and washed at 30°C
  • 折價券代碼特賣

  • Size unfolded: 50 x 107 x 83 cm

  • Size folded: 32 x 98 x 40 cm

  • Weight: 9,5 kg
  • 春節送禮推薦過年送禮推薦>省荷包網路人氣產品top10

    Details of carrycot:

    • Dimensions of lying surface (L/W): 76 x 37 cm

    • Weight: 5,5 kg

    • Easy attachment to the chassis

    • Including welcome pad, windproof blanket

    • Adjustable backrest, ventilation slots

    • 限定商品比價
    • Canopy with UVP 50+ and viewing panel

    Details of infant car seat:

    • Three-point harness with soft belt pads

    • Swivel carrying handle

    • Suitable from birth up to approx. 13 kg

    • Attachment via Isofix Base (not included in delivery) or car's own seat belt

    Details of stand:

    • Stand can be combined with carrycot and infant car seat

    • Safe and easy transport

    • Collapses to a space-saving size




    Inglesina英吉利那Trilogy 卓爵兒童推車系統





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