2004-05-05 23:09:25劉小白

A Story

It's a story about a couple who are French and Japanese.
I guess you guys might have a huge question mark in your mind.

Take it easy!
We have a lot of time.

Let me tell you this wishy-washy story.

It began on that night
that funky ngiht
French sat on the bench
pondered who he is.

on the other side of the bench
there's a Japanese
who was also thinking of
the same thing.

What a coincidence!! Right?!

You may think who will give that shit about this.

Be patient, OK?!
Follow me

French shouted out loud for no reason.
A minute later,
Japanese shouted like French had done.

Both stood up
turned face to face

Guess what?

They're couple!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for finishing the story.
Give urself applause!!!!!!!!!!!!!