Live with it 我竟然要學習 live with it. 是萬幸吧!至少妳承認有自己的...
妳眉頭開了 所以我笑了 妳眼睛紅了 我的天灰了 妳頭髮濕了 所以我熱了 妳覺得累了 所...
廝混罌粟 我看着他在着着妳 徐徐說著,雄辯滔滔 我能做的把那想說的化為有韻律的 以庸俗糜爛爆發而出...
:::俑舞者之弱水三千::: 深夜歸家起薰風 斯人獨個不歸眾 急回家 將愛頌 洋...
:::俑. 繭:: 有一天,俑會變成蝴蝶一定破繭而出,現在,就這樣好了。 就讓我包着妳…直到那天…妳...
那篇這篇,看到都心痛的文.. 這種制肘的無奈! 你知你知!你知個屁!! 我又是甚麽? 我什麽也不是!
突然好懷念以往報台的各人,明顯地,各有各路,都不再寫了..那些美好瘋狂的時光那裏去了? 可能原地不動的只...
I love Halloween, I love the feeling and the words; the colors and the flavor. I love everything ab...
Most of all, I notice the way you talk to me. Not slow or fast, not like I am a child. You look me...
我 又 不 知 自 己 在 作 些 什 麽 ? 我想大概要進行腦袋清潔了.. 如果可以,抽起那個塞之後,一...
suddenly i find myself floating in with the stream of words and my ever drifting thoughts and her so...
All my life I always run way from my fears, Knowing that I will not be loved. My past is a thing y...
Oh dear God, Give me strength to realize what is good for me and what is not. I am harming myself by...
Wouldn’t have this any other way. It’s great. Your great. Go ahead and open up my front door I...