2007-08-23 02:25:23假洋妞

shut off

suddenly i find myself floating in with the stream of words and my ever drifting thoughts and her song as my background music.

maybe it was the lust induced drink to cope for my sudden attack of urge in between night and thought. and though i had wanted more, one bottle sufficed for a weekday night. maybe it’s the effortless honesty that comes with a little bit of drunkedness--how suddenly it becomes too simple to have to deviate it with reason or logic. or with the fear of looking stupid or vulnerable or all those things we worry when we’re too consumed with what others would think of us in hushed tones. i think that that’s just what we all need right now: people just being damn honest to give a hell. like how everything slips and still fall into place at the end of the night and into the morning of a new day.

I shut that off...

The look in E eyes saw directly to my soul.......and touched it. Gently. i love to hear E singing in the shower. I touch her bare back and feel the warmth, I feel safe and calm.

之前 2007-08-24 23:53:23

If there`s one thing I love, it`s a huge, enormous, satisfying, breath taking.....
That, and innuendos.
