2016-06-19 05:29:40davidt05ce5

線上免費課程 學英文方法 英檢中級報名 baritone中文意思是什麼

    高中英文家教行情 找外籍老師 中高級初試線上免費課程 學英文方法 英檢中級報名網上英語發音 自學英文高中英文補習班推薦 高中英文教學影片環遊世界 國外學英文多益補習班 評價 英文 美語 全民英檢初級單字商用英文課程推薦 英文學習技巧商用英文 澳洲遊學 1 對 1 線上英文



baritone中文意思學英文 影片 全民英檢中高級初試是什麼


n. 名詞 〈美國〉【音樂】1. (tenor 與 bass 之間的)男中音;男中音歌手。

2. 薩克斯號。

3. (歌劇中)供男中音唱的角色。

adj. 形容詞 男中音的。

  • And you ' re the only baritone in the elf choir 成人英文補習 線上學英文網站 全民英檢線上測驗

  • - you need a baritone ? - yeah, call us when you get out

    -你們需要男中音嗎? -對,出來的時候給我們打電話
  • His beautiful blocky head his wonderful overgrown puppy ' s body his baritone bark filled every corner of house and heart

  • 1976 paul robeson, american negro bass baritone singer, died in philadelphia

  • The saxophones are made in a large variety of sizes and keys, such as bb soprano, eb alto, bb tenor and eb baritone. the tone quality of the saxophone is thicker and more pungent than that of the clarinet and its ease of playing and marked character have made it one of the chief instruments in modern jazz bands

    薩克管從高音到低音,不同大小的有五種之多,包括降b調的高音soprano ,降e調的中音alto ,降b調的次中音tenor及降e調的上低音baritone等。

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