2005-10-16 13:20:43彤煒

Twelve Chairs - L.Gaidai

Theatrical release: 1971
DVD release: 2003
Sound formats: Dolby Digital 5.1, Mono
Language(s): Russian
Format: 4:3
Genre(s): Comedy

Leonid Gajdaj

Leonid Gajdaj, Vladlen Bakhnov

Sergej Poluyanov, Valerij Shuvalov

Aleksandr Zatsepin

Yurij Nikulin, Georgij Vitsin, Yurij Medvedev, Mikhail Pugovkin, Leonid Gajdaj, Aleksandr Khvylya, Nina Grebeshkova, Grigorij Shpigel’, Sergej Filippov, Viktor Pavlov, Pavel Vinnik, Natal’ya Varlej, Savelij Kramarov, Roman Filippov, Igor’ Yasulovich, Radner Muratov, Erast Garin, Natal’ya Krachkovskaya, Vladimir Etush, Eduard Bredun, Ruslan Akhmetov, Glikeriya Bogdanova-Chesnokova, Klara Rumyanova, Rina Zelenaya, Georgij Georgiu, Irina Murzaeva, Viktor Kolpakov, Rostislav Pliatt, Gotlib Roninson, Nikolaj Gorlov, Archil Gomiashvili, Nina Agapova, Natal’ya Vorob’eva, Ivan Zhevago

Art Director:
Evgenij Kuman’kov

Costume Design:
Konstantin Savitskij

Leonid Derbenev

● You can hardly find a man who does not know the famous novel of I. Ilf and Ye. Petrov. But do you remember funny adventures of the heroes of the given immortal literary work? A former aristocrat Ippolit Vorobianinov leads a miserable life in Soviet Russia. His mother-in-law reveals a secret to him - she hid family diamonds in one of the twelve chairs they once had. Vorobianinov in cooperation with a young con artist Ostap Bender start a long search for the diamonds. The comedy about the search of Madame Petukhova’s jewelry is waiting for you.