2013-05-30 14:29:46One who loves me mos

no date for you

Today my husband had off from work. Since they have 12 hour days they get one Friday off every other week. Must be nice to be a Federal Employee international SEO!

I was excited to get some one on one time with him to go out and about. Our big date was to go to the Korean and Farmers market then some romantic lunch, all before that kids come home at 2:30. We got to the Korean food market when I got a text saying Aaron was throwing up at school. So being his mother I had to tell hubby we needed to go get the boy. He was fine once he came with us. We got him a Gingerale and crackers and he said he wanted to go with us to the Market plastic storage drawers.

He was fine the rest of the day. Yep our date was ruined by a single barf Comelow

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