2013-05-29 17:56:03One who loves me mos

on the East Coast

I'm reading a book on my Kindle that is very good but haven't had time to finish it.  So no new book reviews this time.....  Yeah, I know...you must be so upset!  LOL

Son and DIL will come over this evening to pick up any food we have left in the refrigerator and freezer.  We really did well eating most of it up....and saved a couple of ice cream Drumsticks for this evening's tv watching.....also about 6 brownies to be eaten.   The sacrifices we have to bearnuskin hong kong....

Good luck to all the friends and family and bloggers on the East Coast.  I hope all of you come through the hurricane and resulting storms with no damage.  And thank goodness we don't have to watch any more political tv ads until the end of the week.  I am sooooooooooo sick of the lies and the deceit.

So....hang in there everyone and carry onnuskin product.

RH and I both had packages that were to be delivered today and of course, we are now informed they  are on the final leg of the trip and in the mail instead of FedEx.....so we will have to wait for them to be forwarded..... Oh wait...packages in the mail in Florida to look forward to....and maybe they will arrive before we get there too.

We will soon be seeing truckloads of thisHealth Cabin Coupon....

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