2006-05-30 01:16:24Shyo

Whim ~

Human is an interesting creation
We are so full of emotion
and greed...

Would I ever be satisfied with just one night?
No way
The day came and you could only save one
Which would you save?
Me or the baby?
As shocking as it may sound
I would choose to save myself

Would I want to leave you two alone?
Would I want our child to grow up without a mother?
Would I want to put you through the pain of losing a wife, at the same time, having to get back on your feet coz you have a baby to raise?

No ... I want to be there for the two of you all the time
I want to be there to see our child grow
I want to be there with you when our child has left us

As shocking as it may sound
I would choose to save myself
Because I love you too much to leave you behind