2010-04-27 13:31:21Claudia

He says he find such reports"amusing"

Tue, Apr 27, 2010
The New Paper

He says he find such reports 'amusing'

By Germaine Lim

HEART-THROB Wang Lee Hom has always been tight-lipped about his personal life.

But at a press conference yesterday, the 34-year-old Taiwanese singer-actor seemed surprisingly willing to talk about it.

Last month, he was seen behaving intimately with a woman at a Shanghai nightspot, according to Chinese news portal Sina.com.

They were at the club to celebrate the wrapping up of his directorial debut, Mandarin film Love Announcement.

When the party ended at 6am, a tipsy-looking Wang and the woman seemed to be unwilling to part with each other, Sina.com said.

He was seen whispering into her ear and they hugged each other repeatedly.

When The New Paper asked him about the incident yesterday afternoon, a smiling Wang said: "I find (such reports) amusing."

Then a protective minder butted in and prevented Wang from elaborating. Even he seemed surprised at the interruption.

Now we may never know what really happened and how he feels about the incident.

Wang, who is an ambassador for health supplement maker Brand's, was in town to sing at an event to mark its 175th anniversary.

The 11/2-hour event, Brand's Music Changes Lives, at the National University of Singapore's University Cultural Centre, also showcased four young and aspiring local musicians.

According to Sina.com, Wang's manager said the woman in question is a film editor for Love Announcement - and she is married.

Wang's manager added: "There were more than 150 crew members at the party... It wasn't intimate at all. Lee Hom says everyone is like a comrade."

Wang has previously been linked to celebrities like Taiwanese singer A-mei and Taiwanese-born actress Shu Qi, but these rumours have never been confirmed.

New album

Meanwhile, Wang is said to have postponed the release of his new album so that it would not clash with Taiwanese pop star Jay Chou's, which will be out next month.

But Wang called the speculation "complete hogwash". He clarified: "It has never been postponed. I threw myself into filming Love Announcement after I wrapped up Little Big Soldier (2010).

"Besides, the album is connected to the movie. I want to combine the different mediums of music, film and live performance. I don't think people get excited over the annual release of an album any more."

Love Announcement is a romantic comedy about a pop star (Wang) who disguises himself as a poor and unkempt student in order to win a girl's heart.

Chinese actress Liu Yifei plays his love interest while Wang's Lust, Caution co-star Joan Chen plays his character's manager.

It is not known when the movie, which is now in post-production, will be released here.

Next step

Wang said that dabbling in film-making was "an evolution and natural progression of events".

"I've directed commercials and music videos.

I'm always thinking of how I can communicate a dream. I'll always have a passion for creating.

"I'm an over-committed person. My elder brother once told me that we will get to do only 80 per cent of what we want to do. So we may as well set high standards for ourselves. I bite off more than I can chew."

He finds no difference between singing and acting.

"Singing is acting at pitch. Lines are just like lyrics. I don't like to draw boundaries between the two art forms."

He did admit that "not every project will sell well".

The film, which is backed by corporate investors, reportedly cost NT$160 million ($7 million).

He joked: "If Avatar 2 is released in the same month, I'm out of luck.

"Doing well is a bonus, but I don't concern myself with that. I want every project to be meaningful and something that people can connect to."


Heart-throb Wang Lee Hom has always been tight-lipped about his personal life.

But at a press conference yesterday, the 34-year-old Taiwanese singer-actor seemed surprisingly willing to talk about it.

Last month, he was seen behaving intimately with a woman at a Shanghai nightspot.

He was seen whispering into her ear and they hugged each other repeatedly.

They were at the club to celebrate the wrapping up of his directorial debut, Mandarin film Love Announcement.

When asked about the incident, a smiling Wang said: "I find (such reports) amusing."

However, a protective minder butted in and prevented Wang from elaborating.

Now we may never know what really happened and how he feels about the incident.

Wang, who is an ambassador for health supplement maker Brand's, was in town to sing at an event to mark its 175th anniversary.

He was brought in to perform at the NUS Cultural Centre on 24 April 2010.